Pitching Us

Atwood Magazine: For the Love of Music

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Thank you for your interest in Atwood Magazine! We are dedicated to exploring great music from around the world, and we want to hear from you! No matter who you are or what kind of music you make, know that we value and want to celebrate music from around the world. Please take note of the guidelines below before reaching out.

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  • Include a direct link to music. This is a must! SoundCloud, Bandcamp, YouTube, & Spotify are our preferred music services (only choose one).


  • Less is more. Our team of writers are busy and time is limited, so please keep it short. We’d love 2-3 sentences max for context around your music.


  • Provide handy links for more information. If we like what we hear and want to learn more, your artist bio and links to social media pages will be helpful. A digital EPK is nice, but not necessary.


  • Only one follow-up maximum! Please don’t spam us: If you don’t hear back from us by the second outreach, it likely means we’re not interested.


  • Exclusive Premieres! Please provide us with a minimum of three weeks (or 21 days) notice for all premiere opportunities, and give us 2-3 days to respond. Atwood Magazine premieres 5 to 10 pieces of music per week, and the slots fill up fast.


  • Know what you want before reaching out! Are you looking for an interview? A “today’s song” track review? A feature on our podcast? An album/EP review, or something else altogether? Be direct with us about what you’re looking for.



  • Have patience & don’t be turned off by silence! Our writers and editors receive a combined total of 1,000+ emails per week from publicists, artists, and other music representatives. While we wish we had the time to thoroughly review all art we receive, we must be selective. We typically only respond to the music we like and want to cover. We do not provide feedback, and cannot guarantee a personalized response.


We hope this guide helps.
If you’re ready to reach out,
email us at mitch[at]atwoodmagazine[dot]com

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Atwood Magazine

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