With a voice unmistakably her own, Welsh songstress Nia Wyn returns with an attitude-laden foray in the form of “Who Asked You.”
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Listen: “Who Asked You” – Nia Wyn
In a tech-centric world, where we’ve gotten acclimated to having an infinite amount of information at our finger tips, we’ve become impatient and accustomed to the instant nature of life. This in turn, of course, trickles down into every possible avenue, especially in music. We want things as soon as we think of them, which if you’re musically inclined includes success in a difficult industry, no mean feat. As a result, it’s given way to a new wave of artists that attempt to reverse engineer overnight success, opting for trendier sounds of the moment, artist co-signs and virality to hurry things along. Sadly, a lot of the substance, or soul moreover, is lost in the process.

Almost as if she were summoned to bring balance to this quandary, UK indie-soul artist Nia Wyn expands her already stellar back catalogue with a biting riposte to unsolicited critics titled “Who Asked You” (released April 10). Inspired by era-defining artists that walked their own path, Nia‘s soulfully rich indie cuts through the noise by simultaneously maintaining a nostalgic familiarity, whilst garnering a classic contemporary edge, free of any à la mode components. Both out of place in time and ahead of the curve, much of her sound creates space for her unmistakable vocal timbre to truly soar, and soar it does.
Equal parts sugar and spice, the attitude-laden motivations behind her latest are perfectly delivered by her confident cadence. Clear even in the title alone, Nia elucidates in the lyrics that “Who Asked You” is essentially a middle finger to her miring doubters.
Doncha get upset, it was not your fault no
Common sense not in your arsenal
You were an arsehole laughing in my face
Like my dreams were a fable
(Calling me unstable now)
“For me this track is about being faced with unsolicited opinions from others,” she explains via email. “Whether that’s from judgemental people you knew back home who always doubted you or called you unstable and weird because you didn’t fit in with others.” Hailing from a small town in Northern Wales, it’s no surprise that she was met with some antiquated views upon choosing her creative path, but in this resistance she found a new strength and eagerness to prosper in response, opting for true karma as their just deserts, “There’s also the message of what goes around comes around in some way and how that negative energy people build up will ultimately hold them back whether that’s now or later on.”
Nia Wyn is a truly remarkable talent, defined by the creative path she is clearly prospering on and will no doubt to catch ears and turn heads the world over for many years to come.
Listen: “Who Asked You” – Nia Wyn
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? © Ant Adams, 2020
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