Sad Alex’s All Too Relatable Experience Portrayed in “Stockholm’s a Ghost Town”

Sad Alex © Alex Stone
Sad Alex © Alex Stone
Sad Alex’s new single “Stockholm’s a Ghost Town,” inspired by the idea of ghosting, brings together fellow ghostees.
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Stream: “Stockholm’s a Ghost Town” – Sad Alex

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Sad Alex’s recently-released song “Stockholm’s a Ghost Town” reflects on the reality of dating that is all too relatable. It touches upon feelings of longing and nostalgia for a relationship that ended without a trace. The track is a perfectly crafted, cheeky way to write about a sometimes difficult reality to swallow: ghosting.

Stockholm's a Ghost Town
Stockholm’s a Ghost Town – Sad Alex

In the world of today’s dating apps and technology, ghosting is all too familiar. Connections can seem apparent and the next day the person is non-existent, with no explanation. It can lead to doubt and questioning of one’s behavior and trying to figure out what went wrong. The short-lived lust in a relationship disappearing into thin air.

You wait seven hours to answer
like i’m some
cheap date
I must be a stage 5 sucker for
Believing the things that you feel
Does it scare you that we could be real?
My heart’s only human
But knows when it’s losing you

The investment in a new relationship can be fast, but just as soon as it starts, it can end. Games are played and any kind of commitment can scare away free-spirited ones. The best of people are perceived, not knowing if they truly feel the same. It can take just one more person to ghost a relationship that triggers an inner monologue, questioning why it keeps happening. Sometimes it’s simple: they just fade out of the relationship which only leads to heartbreak on the other end.

Sad Alex © Alex Stone
Sad Alex © Alex Stone

“I wrote this song after I managed to get my heart broken in a weeklong trip to Stockholm, the LA-based artist says of her release. “It was an over-romanticized fling that started with rom-com fireworks on a hotel rooftop and ended with unanswered texts in a smelly Airbnb. My wine-fueled weeping was overdramatic but had more to do with the years of being ghosted than this nice Swedish guy.”

“A few days later, I visited the songwriting school called Musikmakarna in NorthernSweden and wrote this with Axel Anderlund, Jonna Jaqueline, and Tobias Naslund. I wanted something that felt less ‘woe is me, I’ve been ghosted’ and more ‘come together all ye fellow ghostees.’ Mix that with some bomb Swedish melodies and a sprinkle of Ed Sheeran, and you’ve got yourself my favorite song I’ve released to date.”

‘Cause in the dark of this hotel bar
you got me feelin nostalgia
But when the lights come on
I swear I didn’t know a thing about ya
Maybe I said too much
I see your face turning into a shadow
Now I’m sober and October’s almost over
Uh oh now, where’d you go?
You opened the door, I’ve fallen for a ghost now
And I’ll keep aching while you keep fading away
Stockholm’s a ghost town now
Uh oh now, where’d you go?
The sheets on the floor, I’ve fallen for a ghost now
And I’ll keep aching while you keep fading away
Stockholm’s a ghost town now

Sad Alex © Alex Stone
Sad Alex © Alex Stone

Sad Alex delivers on her intentions to bring together “fellow ghostees,” as the track is filled with understandable lyrics and a lively vibe.

A new relationship can have a lasting impact in a short period of time, but it is sometimes only one-sided. Falling for someone when in reality they weren’t looking for the same can sting. In Sad Alex’s case, putting her thoughts into lyrics made for a perfect track.

“Stockholm’s a Ghost Town’ is out now via Red Bull Records.

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Stream: “Stockholm’s a Ghost Town” – Sad Alex

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Stockholm's a Ghost Town

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