Video Premiere: Tuvaband Stirs Consciences with Powerful Piece “Irreversible”

Gandhi said: ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’. With the piece “Irreversible,” Tuvaband is here to remind us that the same goes for climate change: either we act or we succumb.

The song ‘Irreversible’ is about our irreversible actions and lack of actions, when it comes to environment issues. We wanted to portray this in the video by sitting inside an (seemingly) idling car, shutting out the world and the harsh reality, while contributing to the degradation of planet earth. Inside the car I’m dreaming about solving our problem by leaving; going to mars, instead of getting out of the car to take action. This is kind of how I feel like we’re dealing with our problem.

T here is a song that I like to remember when talking about climate change. It’s “La Punta Dell’Iceberg” (‘The Tip of The Iceberg’), by the independent Italian band Eugenio In Via Di Gioia. To make a long story short, it proposes a scenario of how humanity will be in 2050: an evolved humanity with innovative technology and flying cars, but without a place to live, and lots of catastrophic events. Melting glaciers, the disappearance of The Netherlands, the Maldives, and one of the most fascinating Italian cities: Venice. 

Growing Pains & Pleasures – Tuvaband

Let’s start with the last one we mentioned, Venice. This is where the story of Tuva Hellum Marschhäuser, whose stage name is Tuvaband, starts. Atwood Magazine is proud to premiere the video of the piece “Irreversible,” from Tuva’s upcoming album Growing Pains & Pleasures (out May 21, 2021).

Venice is a city of delightful contrasts, rowdy parties, and picturesque silent alleys. It is with this silence that Tuvaband lives with for a week in early 2019, in a whirlwind of inspiration that leads her to write the lyrics for this record. Surrounded by this silence that brought both darkness and comfort, she brings forth a vast array of emotions through music. A tale of Growing Pains & Pleasures, to be precise.

Change is inevitable and constant, and Tuvaband understood this very well. On her record, she tries to break out of the isolation she previously went into with I Entered The Void. She’s finally overcoming her fears and embracing the fact that none of us stays the same person for long. Life is not a well-defined path of ups and downs, it’s a line that can first become a circle, then a pyramid, and finally a spiral – and even then, it will never stop transforming.

Tuvaband © Catherine Mamani Valles

One change that is as significant as it is worrisome is the one described in “Irreversible” – climate change. Each of us has been forced to remedy a drastic, almost irreversible situation; we feel guilty as if we had been the ones polluting the environment for the last few centuries. We’ve all found our ways to deal with this. There are those who try to reduce their impact on the planet by going zero waste or vegan, spreading awareness about cruelty-free brands, recycling.

Tuvaband, however, represents the most detached side of human beings, that of those who close themselves dreaming of solving every problem without doing anything at all. Why try to fight, if when the world ends we will no longer be here? Why worry about the fate of planet Earth, if one day we can escape to Mars? And yet, even if we don’t realize it, this inability – or better, absence of will – could be lethal for the planet, men, and all the works they boast of having built over the millennia.

We let it burn

Even if it’s soon to be point of no return
I don’t believe in hell
I do believe our morality has fell
Let’s pretend
Let’s pretend it’s identities and lifestyles they sell
We chew capitalism in a decorated shell
Let’s pretend
We’ll bring the party to Mars
Driving in zero waste cars
Drinking moonshine in imaginary bars
Write our own planet its respectful memoirs


This is not a song aimed at guilt-tripping us: Tuvaband intends to show reality as it is, to stir consciences and remind us that to improve we must act, not spend time fantasizing. As much as change can be frightening, it is necessary and helps us grow. The only change we wouldn’t feel like facing, perhaps, is seeing Venice submerged in 2050.

Stream “Irreversible” exclusively on Atwood Magazine, and make sure to stay tuned and stream Growing Pains & Pleasures!

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Stream “Irreversible” – Tuvaband

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? © Maria Louceiro

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