Premiere: See & Be Seen in Art D’Ecco’s Magically Indulgent “Nobody’s Home”

Art d’Ecco’s “Nobody’s Home” is inspiring and inspired, a refreshing homage to individuality that embraces and flaunts the inner self.

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Who are you when the world isn’t watching? When you’re all alone; in the company of yourself? Are you the same person when eyes are on you? Do you lead two lives, or one? There’s nothing easy about fully being – accepting and embracing your identity, and living your truths no matter your environment. We should all strive to live free; to live like the world isn’t watching, even when it is. Art d’Ecco’s “Nobody’s Home” is a brazen and beautiful self-indulgence – a powerful display of the confidence and energy that come with being true to yourself.

Nobody's Home - Art d'Ecco
Nobody’s Home – Art d’Ecco
If you stay at home
then you won’t go far
Driving in circles you just get lost
living all alone til the day you die
questions circling
why oh why?
oh they’re watching you

Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering the music video for “Nobody’s Home,” Art d’Ecco’s debut single and the lead track off upcoming album Trespasser, due October 12 via Paper Bag Records. Written within the wooded stillness and isolation of the Pacific Northwest’s Gulf Islands, Trespasser is a uniquely intimate and grandiose album – one which, in the artist’s words, encompasses “mystery, fluidity, and neon glam-rock stomp.”

Trespasser - Art d’Ecco
Trespasser – Art d’Ecco

A heavy dose of new wave influence finds guitars driving the song with a buoyant bounce. Vocal sighs melt under a marching beat that pushes continuously onward, though it’s hard to think of the next step when we’re so mesmerized by the artist’s emotive vocals. Subtle inflections send shivers down the spine as Art d’Ecco paints a vivid portrait of individual beauty and grace.

looking for a sign in the atmosphere
the record’s on the shelf
you can just stay here
dance like – dance like
oh they’re watching you
Nobody’s home
(so dance like) Nobody’s home
(dance like) Nobody’s home –
the world is watching

“I was thinking abut a woman I knew,” Art d’Ecco tells Atwood Magazine upon reflection. “She’d escaped a brutally violent relationship in the ’70s. She lived her life on the run and was always on the move, constantly looking over her shoulder. Her spirit was full of beauty and love, despite the darkness – she loved to sing and dance. I’ve lived the last 6 years on an island – at times very isolated and alone, so I related to the solitude she may have been feeling. This song was for her. I changed her name to “Julie” as the whole thing kind of reminded me of Orwell’s 1984. Dance like nobody’s home, the world is watching.”

Art d’Ecco © 2018
Art d’Ecco © Mandy-Lyn
Julie got a visit from a local man
flashlight hand
lonely as it gets
when you don’t look back
don’t ever look back
gonna never look back

“Nobody’s Home” is inspiring and inspired, a refreshing homage to individuality that embraces and flaunts the inner self. Directed by Jasper Savage and starring Katie Nicole Evans, the “Nobody’s Home” music video fully commits to this notion of beauty and being forever present and in the moment. We watch as the protagonist finds theirself alone in a massive, gorgeous mansion. It seems as though no one else is around, and in this beautiful moment, the individual is spurred to dance… to drift aimlessly around the rooms, moving and swaying and being. Various filmic shots from afar suggest there may very well be others present, watching… We wonder, if the protagonist knew these eyes were there, would all these movements still occur with such effortless grace?

The truth doesn’t matter quite as much as the act itself. Whether we choose to reveal our private selves to the public is our decision, but no matter what choice we make, those aspects of our identity are incredibly special – magical, even – for they represent our truest forms.

Art d’Ecco spent considerable amount of time along during the making of “Nobody’s Home” and the rest of Trespasser. This artist knows better than most what it’s like to get intimately acquainted with your private self. Consider “Nobody’s Home” an homage to our private personas; considerate a testament to their beauty, their grace, and their singularity.

Stream “Nobody’s Home” exclusively on Atwood Magazine.

Stream: “Nobody’s Home” – Art d’Ecco

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:: stream/purchase Trespasser here ::

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Trespasser - Art d’Ecco

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? © 2018

:: Stream Art d’Ecco ::

:: Art d’Ecco Tour Dates ::

Sept 15 – Victoria, BC @ Rifflandia Music Festival
Sept 27 – Montreal, QC @ Pop Montreal
Oct 16 – Hamilton, ON @ The Casbah
Oct 19 – Halifax, NS @ Halifax Pop Explosion
Oct 23 – Ottawa, ON @ House of TARG
Oct 24 – Guelph, ON @ DSTRCT
Oct 25 – Toronto, ON @ The Great Hall
Nov 10 – Victoria, BC @ Lucky Bar
Nov 16 – Vancouver, BC @ The Biltmore
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