This Just In: Claud’s “Soft Spot” is a Charming Dive into Life’s ‘What If’ Moments

Claud © Jeremy Reynoso
A breezy tale of unrequited love, Claud manages to spark warmth in an otherwise somber situation on latest single “Soft Spot.”
Stream: “Soft Spot” – Claud

The woes on unshared love – nights of endless internal meandering of possible scenarios of love-soaked encounters, changes of heart, or simple texts that reassure one that they are indeed seen. It’s an absolute pain. “Soft Spot,” the latest single from Claud, doesn’t hide this fact, but instead of dwelling on the dismal, the song carries an energy of comfort; a warmth that provides listeners with a sense a familiarity, creating art out of these dreadful ruminations. And it totally works.

Super Monster – Claud

Simple guitar strums morph into an almost ethereal soundscape as a slight haze washes over the recently joined drums. While keeping a steady melody, their presence provides a layer of momentum that only emboldens the instrumentation that follows. Fans are well-versed in the vocals of Claud at this point, and it should come as no surprise that their gentle incantations provide a powerful push of emotion. It’s all personal for Claud, and it comes out with each lyric sung in a beautiful, sincere manner.

This sounds kinda strange I thought
I saw you at a party but
I finally got close it wasn’t you
I know we don’t talk right now
but if I saw you I’d sit down
and ask about your afternoon
You made it clear that it’s over now
but you’re all that I think about
So now I don’t know what the hell to do

The storytelling abilities from Claud are on full display, etching their way into listener’s head in a vivid fashion. The canvas that has been created is awash with snapshots of life – the late-night bedroom talks, the moments that sparked such love – and they each bring about a communal feeling of hurt. In a good way. Any listener would be hard-pressed not to distinctly remember the emotions flooding Claud in their own lives, and as the artist dulcetly bellows out the chorus, “Cause I’ve got a soft spot/I’ve got it for you,” these memories are sure to waft their way back into one’s thoughts. Though, as Claud continues to enchant with their harmonies, warmth is bestowed. Heartache doesn’t need to be endured alone, and Claud is providing the proverbial shoulder to lean on.

We used to lay in bed and talk
for hours about everything
and anything you said you wanted to
Pull the covers over our short hair
pretend like the city wasn’t there
Like it was only just us two
You told me that it’s over now
but I can’t help that I think about
All the things that we used to do
Claud © Jeremy Reynoso

As the track reaches its close, an onrush of instrumentation and vocal fervency reaches a peak. “I just can’t take the rejection/Maybe I’m just second guessing,” Claud laments as the melody in the foreground swirls in celestial splendor. There is beauty in a sorrow such as this – to feel this kind of hurt would only mean a nonpareil majesty was experienced, and those moments are not to be taken for granted. One final chorus begins, echoing out and taking root in the minds of those listening. There is reassurance with it, and it’s that feeling on which this song thrives off of.

There are many songs of heartbreak, but none so as captivating as “Soft Spot.” Claud is a clear talent, deftly creating a windowsill where fans and listeners alike can peak and join in the personal moments of their life. Romantic ruminations are a winter staple, and Claud has created the 2020 anthem for them. When the debut album Super Monster releases February 12, our collective heart will surely be ready for what’s to come.

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Stream: “Soft Spot” – Claud

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? © Jeremy Reynoso

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