Today’s Song: Frances Explores Ambience and Imperfection on “When It Comes To Us”

Grow - Frances
Grow - Frances

It really shouldn’t work but it does…

Sometimes, it’s the most innocuous of lines that strike us in the deepest of ways. British singer/songwriter Frances offers a particularly moving statement in the chorus to her song “When It Comes To Us,” the second track on her debut EP Grow (released July 2015 via Communion/Capitol Records). Singing from the soul about an imperfect, yet loving relationship, the twenty-one year old teaches us that age and wisdom do not always come hand in hand.

Listen: “When It Comes To Us feat. RITUAL” – Frances
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A slow, brooding duet, “When It Comes To Us” finds twenty-one year old Frances singing with British artist RITUAL with the sort of evocative gusto that brought Adele her fame and put Oh Wonder into the center of indie music’s spotlight. With verses citing the individual fractures the couple sees through, and a chorus acknowledging their unlikely union, Frances delves deep into human imperfection and the recognition that we, as individuals, are continuously growing and improving upon ourselves. Her voice is pained, but pure; young, but knowing; she sings softly, aware of even the subtlest of changes in her vocalizations.

You and I, we’re one too many worlds apart
It really shouldn’t work but it does
It really shouldn’t work but it does
And side by side, we’re different but somehow the same
It really shouldn’t work but it does
It really shouldn’t work but it does
When it comes us

Frances’ music is unequivocally a production of the twenty-first century: Her style is an enticing, subdued mix of singer/songwriter, R&B, and electronic music. Residing somewhere in-between Imogen Heap and the aforementioned Adele, Frances neatly carves our her own unique sonic space, propelled by the strength of her magnificent vocal cords. She explores ambient textures and harmonies via superimpositions of her own voice, as Lorde did on 2013’s The Love Club.

Grow - Frances
Grow – Frances

“When It Comes To Us” and the Grow EP’s equally heartfelt title track are hopefully just the start for Frances; her impressive songwriting capability, along with the control she exercises over her powerful voice, make her songs a calming delight to listen to. At only twenty-one years old, there’s no telling what direction the budding artist will take next; her EP has been out for a little over a month, and she certainly has much to do before Communion lets her issue a full-length record. If we’re lucky, we’ll be hearing from Frances again very shortly.

Of late, the music scene has seemingly been flooded with poignant music and honest lyrics; Frances’ Grow EP shines brightly at the forefront of this resurgence. Take a listen to “When It Comes To Us” as well as Frances’ full EP – available via iTunes and Spotify – and look for more news of this starlet: If Grow marks Frances’ ascent to the stage, then we cannot wait for her official coming-of-age.

Listen: “Grow” – Frances

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Grow - Frances
Grow – Frances

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