Jennah Barry pulls the curtains back on “Pink Grey Blue,” providing a personal story of body dysmorphia that leaves listeners with a heavy yet, at the same time, loving heart.
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Listen: “Pink Grey Blue” – Jennah Barry
The phrase “you’re your own worst critic” is grounded in truth for many. The notion of one not being good enough— a constant tug of war on whether or not one has worth. These ideas aren’t based on logic, but they inject themselves into the mind with extreme toxicity, leaving most a thrall to these unjustified and painful images. The images manifested themselves for Jennah Barry, often diluting the truth and causing hurt. However, her struggle is one she is conquering, and she unveils her story on her latest single “Pink Grey Blue,” a track surrounded by her celestial vocals and harmonious melodies.

The track begins simply enough with rhythmic guitar plucks that are soon joined by Barry’s lilting vocal performance. A sigh is heard before she begins her story—perhaps readying herself as she relinquishes the personal struggles she sings of. On the track, Barry explains in a statement, “’Pink Grey Blue’ is about my deep and lasting body dysmorphia. The song speaks from the perspective of a voice in my head trying to convince me to look at myself with gentle eyes.” Honesty and vulnerability are difficult tasks for any one person, but Barry pulls through in a breathtaking fashion, showcasing just exactly why her musical prowess is something to be lauded.
No surprise
You ache inside
You’re pink and grey and blue
Tooth and wire and finely tied electric inner loops
As she continues with her serene crooning, the cadences present throughout are tinged with warmth—every word sung bringing about feelings of whimsy that circle around listeners with a tender embrace. Various brass and wood-wind instruments lend their sound as the track progresses, creating a swirling soundscape that is both delicate and fierce. A whispered beauty that only gets better with each subsequent listen. After the ending of the second chorus, a whirlwind of instrumentation consisting of strings, brass, and wood-wind all coalesce into a sweltering moment of unfettered elation that takes listeners out of their own bodies and into a dreamscape crafted by Barry herself.
And I should know,
The thunder rolls when there are things to do
Could be worse,
The curse is just this love I have for you
It then resumes to the dainty guitar plucks and dulcet hums of Barry for a moment, bringing the spotlight back on the talent behind the artistry at work. There’s something enchanting when it’s just Barry and the guitar, more so than any other singer-songwriter out there. The paring just seems uncanny—like two worlds destined to collide. Toward the track’s end, the brass returns to lull the listeners back down from their whimsy induced dreams. With one last symphonious roar, the song ends on a note of hope. A feeling one can imagine Barry wishing to pass one to all who listen.
As long as I get up and out
The day goes
Nothing good could happen home here with my mind closed
Having been quite since her 2012 debut, Jennah Barry has often been underappreciated, but with “Pink Grey Blue,” that will change. Her musicality is on full display with ethereal storytelling that is both evocative and tender. One would be remiss to forget her talent, and something tells us at Atwood that her upcoming album will be quite an experience for 2020.
Her new album, Holiday, releases March 27, 2020, via Forward Music Group.
Listen: “Pink Grey Blue” – Jennah Barry
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