Today’s Song: Get Giddy on Wild Youth’s New Single “Champagne Butterflies”

Champagne Butterflies - Wild Youth
Wild Youth is the kind of band that makes you want to get up and dance. So, if you’re feeling low, listen to “Champagne Butterflies” and it might just put a spring in your step!
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Stream: “Champagne Butterflies” – Wild Youth

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Wild Youth is the band that just keeps on giving. After already establishing themselves as one of the most exciting new acts in their homeland, the four-piece from Ireland is steadily growing equal popularity in the British and global pop scenes. Exuberant, flamboyant pop is what Wild Youth does best and their new track, “Champagne Butterflies,” is the perfect addition to their already unforgettable discography.

Champagne Butterflies - Wild Youth
Champagne Butterflies – Wild Youth

The band’s talented line-up includes lead vocalist David Whelan, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Conor O’Donohoe, lead guitarist Ed Porter and drummer Callum McAdam. In 2020, the Wild Youth boys had impressive successes with their energetic pop tracks Through The Phone and Next To You. However, amassing millions of streams and thousands of fans during the last 12 months has not been the full extent of the band’s successes; Wild Youth has also received support from the tastemakers at Wonderland Magazine and The Independent, landed a performance on RTE’s The Late Late Show and supported the likes of global superstar Zara Larsson.

One look, at you,
I felt everything but confused.
I guess I knew.
When we locked eyes, I lost time,
In a feeling I felt so soon

Released on January 15th, “Champagne Butterflies” is an ’80s inspired song covered in shimmering synths and immersive funk-pop hooks. The track opens with a simple, sultry first verse, which is the perfect introduction to this all-encompassing modern love song. “Champagne Butterflies” is stripped-back to just an alluring beat and David Whelan’s effortless vocal until the chorus hits along with a funk-guitar riff that elevates the song to dizzying heights.

When I saw you, I had to tell you
Cause it don’t matter what we do tonight,
We could chill, it would still be dynamite.
Those champagne butterflies,
I only wanna feel them with you.
No plans that’s alright, I’ll pick you up,
We can fly to Japan tonight.
Cause these champagne butterflies
I only wanna feel them with you.
Tell me that you feel it too.
I only wanna feel it with you.
Wild Youth © 2021
Wild Youth © Nicholas O’Donnell

Once the track arrives at its chorus, David demonstrates his impressive falsetto, which is where his performance is at its pinnacle. The first chorus is elevating, but Wild Youth rein in their energy for the slick synth-laden second verse.

I had to tell you, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen tonight.
The most beautiful girl in my whole life 
Cause it don’t matter what we do tonight, 
We could chill, it would still be dynamite. 
Those champagne butterflies, 
I only wanna feel them with you. 
No plans that’s alright, I’ll pick you up, 
We can fly to Japan tonight. 
Cause these champagne butterflies 
I only wanna feel them with you. 
Tell me that you feel it too. 
I only wanna feel it with you. 
Tell me that you feel it too.
I only wanna feel it with you. 

The chorus returns with an identical, vibrant groove before the track slows down for a contrasting bridge. Equally as groove-filled but strikingly more impassioned, the bridge gears listeners up for one last chorus. The final chorus plays out in full Wild Youth 80s pop glory before coming to a swift end.

Wild Youth © 2021
Wild Youth © Nicholas O’Donnell

Wild Youth are the kind of band that make you want to get up, dance, and lose your head – if just for a few minutes.

However, alongside that carefree feel comes real substance, polished production, skilled lyricism and some earworm riffs. If you’re feeling low, listen to “Champagne Butterflies”, it might just put a spring in your step.

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:: stream/purchase “Champagne Butterflies” here ::
Stream: “Champagne Butterflies” – Wild Youth

Diving into Wild Youth's Sure Success Song “Through the Phone”


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Champagne Butterflies - Wild Youth

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? © Nicholas O'Donnell

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Diving into Wild Youth's Sure Success Song “Through the Phone”


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