Interview: Icona Pop on New Track “Feels in My Body” & How Lockdown Gave Them Time to Get Groovy

Icona Pop © 2020
Icona Pop © 2020
Atwood Magazine spoke to Icona Pop about getting used to the new normal while keeping the party spirit alive with their new track, “Feels In My Body.”
Stream: “Feels In My Body” – Icona Pop

Nobody knows how to make a summer dance bop, ready to be played at every nightclub and bar, like Icona Pop. But how do you make a party-worthy track when parties are forbidden? Icona Pop seem to have the perfect recipe with their new single, “Feels In My Body.”

Feels In My Body Artwork
Feels in My Body – Icona Pop

Aino Jano and Caroline Hjelt are the masterminds behind Icona Pop who, after 11 years making music together, are still making hit after hit. After the duo’s breakthrough hit “I Love It” stormed its way to the top of the UK singles charts and placed at number seven on the Billboard Hot 100, Icona Pop has remained prominent on the electronic and dance scenes.

Icona Pop’s most recent offering, “Feels In My Body”, returns to the ’90s dance roots that the accomplished duo first sprung from and helps tackle boredom and frustration in lockdown by getting people dancing and feeling good.

Atwood Magazine spoke with Icona Pop about “Feels In My Body,” creating during a pandemic, and their new music video with Crille Forsberg and Gustav Stegfors.

When you’re in the studio playing around with no expectation, it can be either devastating or amazing for our creativity. For us, it’s been amazing.


Feels In My Body Artwork

Atwood Magazine: First things first, congratulations on the new track - it's a complete summer bop!

Icona Pop: Thank you so much, it really means a lot.

What was the inspiration behind “Feels In My Body?”

Icona Pop: It’s about the feeling you get when you become one with the music. The feeling when the surroundings, music, and constellation of friends is in harmony. When you still can’t come down from your hype and haven’t ended the night.

I imagine that, for artists, finally getting the track you’ve been working on out into the world is an exciting moment, and you have been making and releasing music for years. So, do you ever just get used to that feeling, or is every release just as exciting as the last?

Icona Pop: We never get used to the feeling. Every single release is nerve-wracking! We get a sense of excitement and relief at the same time.

Icona Pop have made waves with so many tracks over the years. How do you think your music has developed and changed since you first started out?

Icona Pop: As you said we’ve been a band for quite a long time, and we’ve gone through different vibes throughout the years. You can always hear the chanty choirs, the pop with playful electronic sounds, and the punk in it. I think right now, and for the past year, we’ve been flirting a bit more with the 90 ́s dance vibes. Kind of going back to our roots.

Considering everything that’s been going on in the world over the last few months, the process and emotions surrounding music releases must have changed. Everyone has had to acclimatize to a new state of normal. So, what have you noticed that’s different this time around?

Icona Pop: Usually, summer is our most hectic time with shows and traveling. This summer we’ve had to get more creative. So, we decided to lock ourselves in the studio. We’ve been writing, doing online shows, and remixes, but also just playing around. We never have that time otherwise. It’s kind of taken the pressure away and given us time to reflect. When you’re in the studio playing around with no expectation, it can be either devastating or amazing for our creativity. For us, it’s been amazing. First, we got super stressed, and then bored, but after the silence and boredom, the creativity came.

Feels In My Body Artwork
Feels in My Body – Icona Pop

After a whirlwind first half of the year, we’re in the final throes of the summer season, and ‘Feels In My Body’ is the perfect feel-good summer banger. Normally, your music is the life of the party, but in the current pandemic situation, parties are a no-go. Have you got any live shows planned for the future?

Icona Pop: We have some shows, but we’ll see if they will happen. We live day by day. Also, the online thing is getting bigger and bigger, and people are getting used to the ”new normal”, ”keep your distance” part. People won’t stop living just because they can’t hang out in real life, and you can see that people are having parties online on zoom.

We really felt like people needed a happy dance track while stuck at home, something that they can vibe to, think positively about the future, and imagine how we ́ll all appreciate things we took for granted before the restrictions. Hopefully, soon we’ll be able to hang out with each other, and I promise you I will never take a hug for granted again! I did not understand how much hugs and human contact meant to me until I was not allowed.

Something you have managed to do for this release is film a super cool music video. You worked with Gustav Stegfors and Crille Forsberg, who has also worked with undeniable legends like David Bowie and Adele, and the outcome is amazing! What was the process like?

Icona Pop: We’ve known Crille Forsberg for many years, and we ́ve been trying to figure out when to work together. He is stuck in Sweden, and so are we. So, this was perfect for us. We absolutely love him and feel completely honored to work with him. Gustav Stegfors is such a beautiful and talented soul. The respect and positive vibes he gave us from behind the camera were amazing. He is a genius.

When I think of Icona Pop, I think of up-beat, feel-good music that makes me want to go out and dance. But something else that’s become synonymous with your work is inclusivity and the feeling that your tracks are for everyone. How important is that for you?

Icona Pop: Thank you. We don ́t actually think about that when we write music. We always go in and write what we want to listen to. But I’m always super happy when my Grandma comes up to me and says ” I like this” or when I see someone’s baby dancing to it.

You create music that makes people want to get up and dance and be happy. But, what kind of music do you both listen to in your spare time? Do you listen to tracks that are similar to your own?

Icona Pop: This is a fun question. Usually, when we DJ a lot, we’re so tired in our ears. So, that’s when the spa music comes on; waves, water drops, and Tibetan bells. Otherwise, it’s everything from classical to reggae and everything in between.

If you could sum up “Feels In My Body” in one sentence or one emotion, what would it be?

Icona Pop: Groovy.

And finally, what can we expect next from Icona Pop? Do you have exciting plans in the pipeline?

Icona Pop: We have a lot of fun things and some special collabs coming up. So, stay tuned.

Thank you!

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Stream: “Feels In My Body” – Icona Pop

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Feels In My Body Artwork

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? © 2020

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