Video Premiere: Bermuda Angels’ Intoxicatingly Dark “I Should Be Shot”

Bermuda Angels © 2017
Bermuda Angels © 2017
Bermuda Angels offer a dark, cacophonic hypnosis on “I Should Be Shot,” a seductive and pulsing outburst of energy rife with electric emotion.

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In this chaotic world overflowing with information and second-to-second news, it can be more than a little challenging to break through the noise. Sometimes, artists find their footing through sheer luck; other times, it’s the right words at the right time that see them through.

With a song like “I Should Be Shot,” Bermuda Angels need not rely on luck or timing. Their head-turning song lives up to its captivating title, leading listeners deep into a mesmeric rabbit hole of sonic adventure.

If I spend my time counting from my eye
If I spend my time counting from my eye
every tear I cry

I should be shot
I should be shot!
Watch: “I Should Be Shot” – Bermuda Angels

Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering the music video for “I Should Be Shot,” off Bermuda Angels’ self-titled debut album (independently out 10/20/2017). The boyfriend / girlfriend duo of California writer Bermuda Jones and NYC artist Sophie Kadow offer a dark, cacophonic hypnosis on their avant art-pop sophomore release, a seductive and pulsing outburst of energy rife with emotion.

Bermuda Angels album art
Bermuda Angels album art
If I spend my time counting
from my eye every tear I cry
Am I even alive, am I even alive?
I should be shot

Opening with an ominous keyboard line, “I Should Be Shot” immediately grabs our ears and pulls us in. Kadow’s soft voice is intoxicating; it feels as if she barely lifted a finger to utter these words, despite their weight and magnetism. Meanwhile, the black and white video switches between shots of her alone on a roof, and close-up frames of her wearing a mask.

The stark visual is the perfect accompaniment for Bermuda Angels’ intense expression. “If I spend my time counting from my eye, every tear I cry, I should be shot,” Kadow sings. A life lived in sorrow over things out of one’s control is not a life lived: It is squandered, wasted in self-pity. Tension increases as the song progresses – and while lines like “I should be shot in front of my mom!” paint quite a stark picture, Bermuda Angels certainly succeed in getting their point across.

Bermuda Angels © 2017
Bermuda Angels © 2017

Out later this month, the band’s debut album promises to be an equally turbulent, exhilarating ride. “The album was partly inspired by our surroundings and landscapes,” Bermuda Jones explains. “We explored the extremes of the weather spectrum in the US and spent a winter in Maine on Mount Desert Island, surrounded by snow and windstorms and freezing cold, working on our sound. A few months later, we spent our summer in an adobe in the desert in Joshua Tree, CA in incredible heat, working on our sound some more. You could literally fry an egg on a rock outside. We were also inspired by the excitement and turmoil of forming our relationship and planning our future together. This seeped into the songs and overflowed throughout the album. Developing our trust was important throughout the process and it comes in many forms. Do I trust the other to follow through, to be honest to themselves and to me, to be faithful, to try his or her hardest, to create good music, to be understanding, to improve, to give support, and most importantly, to keep coming back.”

Enjoy “I Should Be Shot,” exclusively on Atwood Magazine!

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Bermuda Angels album art

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photo © 2017

:: Listen to Bermuda Angels ::

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