Premiere: Blood Cultures & DJ ST THOMAS Join Forces for Bustling Remix of “Best for You”

DJ ST THOMAS takes the raw sound of Blood Cultures’ “Best for You” and morphs it into a dance anthem like no other.
“Best for You [DJ ST THOMAS Remix]” – Blood Cultures 
[soundcloud url=”” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=true&visual=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Blood Cultures had an eventful 2019, something us at Atwood Magazine certainly took notice of. Their sophomore album Oh Uncertainty! A Universe Despairs was an amalgamation of brooding electronic rhythms, an introspective journey on the history of man, and a secrecy that only adds to the band’s refinement. On the album, one of their more bustling tracks, “Best for You,” was a heart-pounding stream of melodies that could very well provide a sensory overload, but it was welcomed all the same.

Best for You [DJ ST THOMAS Remix] – Blood Cultures

For 2020, Blood Cultures teamed with DJ ST THOMAS to provide listeners a new take on the album favorite, and we at Atwood Magazine are proud to be premiering it today!

Best for You [DJ ST THOMAS Remix]” grabs the structure of the original and modifies it with danceable melodies that complement the original’s darker mood surprisingly well. This, if anything, is a testament to DJ ST THOMAS’ abilities. He’s been around the music world for quite a while, but it wasn’t until 2012 when he found his true spark: the creative expressions of electronic dance beats.

Thomas is known for coalescing the worlds of somber melodies with sensational backing tracks, and this, of course, made his work with Blood Cultures an almost necessity. The result is a funereal dance anthem that might leave tears in the eyes of listeners, but it will also most certainly have their hearts full of passionate fervor that will leave a lasting smirk.

A hazy introduction takes the place of the original’s instantaneous pulsating presence. The remix offers a slow build into the heart of the track, and its first encounter of the main rhythm makes it clear of how rewarding it truly is. The vocals from the original are interlaced throughout and add a sincere touch to the energetic beats, making the slowed presence during the middle of the track all the more exciting.

Blood Cultures © 2020

The approaching beat drop is right at listener’s fingertips, and DJ ST THOMAS delivers an exceptional finale with the last 40 seconds of the track being a high octane dance hall anthem that one can easily lose themselves to. Blood Cultures couldn’t have asked for a better partnership.

Most fans would have to wait a few years before new Blood Cultures music, so this remix was a fresh change of pace, and fortunately for those very same fans, Blood Cultures is continuing their good tidings with their upcoming Spring Headliner Tour. From Denver to Toronto, Blood Cultures will be embarking on part two of their tour, celebrating their sophomore album and mystifying audiences in the process. These aren’t performances to miss, and the band is sure to deliver something special.

Get all the ticket info below!

:: Save “Nice to Have a Break” here ::
Stream “Best for You [DJ ST THOMAS Remix]” – Blood Cultures 
[soundcloud url=”” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&visual=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

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? © 2020

:: Stream Blood Cultures ::

:: Stream DJ ST THOMAS ::

:: Blood Cultures Tour Dates ::

April 29th – Vancouver // Bittmore Lounge
April 30th – Seattle // Barboza
May 1st – Portland // Holocene
May 2nd – Denver // Lost Lake
May 13th – Boston // Great Scott
May 14th – Montreal // Bar La Ritz
May 15th – Toronto // Rivoli

A Mystery & Charm that Only Strengthens with Age: A Conversation with Blood Cultures’


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