With a rock edge and electro-twist, “Take Me” sets the bar high for the budding Nashville pop star Brasko; it’s infectious, enchanting, and above all, relatable.
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We’ve seen many artists recently advertising the “New Nashville” music scene including PHANGS, Truitt, and Daniella Mason. It’s a surge of electronic and pop artists who hope to bring the Music City into the spotlight for genres outside of country and rock. Brasko aspires to be one of the artists leading this trend, and he certainly fits the mold with his first single “Take Me,” independently released last month. “Take Me” feels sexy, fluid, and liberating; it’s also definitely an homage to David Bowie with the guitar flairs and performance driven melody. After moving to Nashville six years ago, Brasko finally found his identity and plans to pursue the quirky pop sound we hear in his debut single.
Listen: Brasko – “Take Me”
In today’s modern dating culture, there’s always a game of cat and mouse: play hard to get, but not too hard or they’ll lose interest. Don’t be overly interested or you’ll come off as easy or obsessive, but make sure the other person knows you’re into them. All of these “rules” end up confusing the already tangled web of sexual relationships. “Take Me” reverses the power complex and places sexuality in your own hands.
Take me
Anytime you want me
Take me
Anytime you’re needing
I’m your slave if you heart me
I’ll behave if you mark me
“Take Me” describes a conversation I’ve been having recently with many of my friends circling the ideas of music that sexually objectifies people. When other people objectify sexual partners it can feel demeaning or demoralizing, but when a person attempts to share their sexuality on their own terms it can feel liberating or empowering. “Take Me” gives the narrator the power over their own actions inspiring a sexual liberation. A liberation in which they chose to give themselves fully to another without any reservations.

Brasko gave us some insight into how he wrote his single, “Take Me was me writing about …a friend… let’s call him Theodore ….and his other …friend …let’s call her Isabella…diving into a sexual relationship and don’t care if the other person ruins their life. It’s more about two people feeling free to me. It’s a very conversational song. I’ve been bored with a lot of sexual songs i’ve heard and wanted something that feels honest and raw. A lot of songs in the 80’s had that, so i purposely dialed in that decade. Music felt free and so is our desire for intimacy.”
You got some problems and don’t play nice
I’ll drink your poison if it leads to paradise
Our storyteller releases all fear of this relationship going south and gravitates towards the uncertainty of it. The relationship is casual and new, but that allows it to mold organically into whatever it is, not what either person was looking for. Not every relationship will lead to marriage or to heartache; in reality, some relationships exist just because we need another person near us.

It’s a dance driven track that feels casual, free, and sensual. The 80’s influence is apparent through the energetic synths and explosive chorus that carry the melody into fruition. Brasko elaborated on the melody, “I put big masculine drums, guitars, and synths and paired it with my almost feminine falsetto vocals to give the song an exciting contrast. That’s why i started wearing mascara on stage. I wanted to rattle the most fragile part of my ego as a heterosexual male…my masculinity. It’s all about freedom. Everything involving my art now because art frees us from our every day lives- just as intimacy does.”
“Take Me” undoubtedly elicits feelings of freedom whether it be from society, sexuality, or conventional pop song trajectories. With a rock edge and electro-twist, “Take Me” sets the bar high for the budding Nashville pop star Brasko; it’s infectious, enchanting, and above all, relatable.
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photos © Zachary Gray