Today’s Song: luhx. Empower with Self-Love in Rallying Cry “go to hell.”

go to hell - luhx.
go to hell - luhx.
Full of fire and anthemic fury, luhx.’s “go to hell.” is an impassioned rallying cry urging all of us to embrace ourselves for who we are.

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Don’t let anyone keep you from being you: It’s a simple but powerful message, and it carries tremendous weight in luhx.’s brand new single, “go to hell.”

I don’t need to be forgiven for being me
I’ve been scared of who I’ll lose
but in the end it all comes down to me
I’ve been up counting every high
Counting every low
Counting every hopeless lover
I’ve been up counting
all the good things about myself
Listen: “go to hell.” – luhx.

An impassioned rallying cry urging all of us to embrace ourselves for who we are, “go to hell.” carries the weight and urgency sweeping the States in 2018. It’s a song for the moment, yet it also transcends this moment: Pulsing charismatic electropop full of fire and anthemic fury, “go to hell.” will be as relevant ten years from now as it is today.

go to hell - luhx.
go to hell – luhx.

The latest release from Boston’s luhx. finds the still-unknown alternative pop band responding to current events with both ire and dynamism, without succumbing to any sort of overt political discourse – that is, if we assume that accepting all individuals for who they are – however God or nature made them – is an apolitical act. Some might argue otherwise; nevertheless, “go to hell.” rises to the occasion with glory, igniting a burning inner rage that comes out through luhx.’s incredibly emotive lead vocalist:

See I’m convinced I’m good
I give more than I take pour love into all I do
But there’s one thing I won’t quit
If loving her’s a sin
I’d go to hell for it
Gladly go to hell for it

luhx. describe “go to hell.” as a rallying cry “to embrace what society has deemed a sin, recreating a hell that we will gladly walk into, our true selves celebrated together as a community.” While I’ve chosen to focus on the positivity eschewed through luhx.’s song and message, it’s clear to all parties that this song could only come as a result of bigotry, racism, xenophobia, and prejudice of all kinds. Out of darkness, there comes the light.

In a unique and exciting twist, luhx. developed an interactive website to accompany “go to hell.”:

The site, which streams the new single, invites users to “submit their sins anonymously,” the band shares with Atwood Magazine. “We wanted to create a new hell; a hell full of love, purity, and acceptance. We want people to use this site to practice a new you, or the real you. This release was far more than just a track, it is a way to build a community, a way to help individuals accept who they really are knowing that everyone has sinned. This is more than a song, it’s a chance to make a difference.”

We wanted to create a new hell; a hell full of love, purity, and acceptance.

luhx.'s "go to hell." website
luhx.’s “go to hell.” website

We know what you’re thinking: Who do these New Englanders think they are, Bono? While it’s easy to make over-the-top statements about inclusivity and togetherness, luhx. truly go the extra mile in allowing individuals to expose their flaws anonymously to the world. Responses range from “holding back tears” to “drinking henny for every meal,” to “changing my appearance for myself” and “gasping every time I see a dog.” It’s a reminder that we are all unique – and that all of us have, at some point, come under attack for the things that made us unique; but just because someone else doesn’t approve of who we are, or like the things we do, doesn’t mean we should conform to their standards.

F*ck the haters. Do you. “We are all sinners,” luhx. say of their new campaign. “And the declared immoral acts that make you feel most alive may also be the ones that make you feel most alone. Unable to turn to anyone and express the inner workings of who you are. The real you. The you that is full of love. or hate. or some other powerful feeling inside that you can’t fully grasp, but know that you’d be changed forever if it were ever to disappear. These are the human emotions that you are willing to do anything to hold onto. Even go to hell for.”

“Our single is not an apology. It’s our rally cry. It’s our story. Now let’s hear yours. Welcome to hell.”

Let “Poison” by luhx. Be Your New Break-Up Song

:: today's song ::
I don’t need to be forgiven for being me
I’ve been scared of who I’ll lose
but in the end it all comes down to me
I don’t need to be forgiven for being me
I don’t know how much I’ll change
but I’ll be better than I used to be

“go to hell.” urges us not only to be ourselves, but also to love ourselves. It’s authentic and sweet, sassy and uplifting, and most of all, empowering: And together, our empowered voices are rising.

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:: stream/purchase luhx. here ::

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