Today’s Song: Georgia & The Vintage Youth Anticipate the Future Through Genres of the Past on “Overthinker”

Unafraid to sing about anxiety, worries, and the questioning of social norms, Georgia & The Vintage Youth give retro pop a place in modern-day music with their latest single, “Overthinker.”
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Stream: “Overthinker” – Georgia & The Vintage Youth

Hailing from Essex, UK, Georgia Crandon and her band “The Vintage Youth” have found a way to make the sound of retro pop modern in their latest single “Overthinker,” a song that discovers the complexities of growing up and worrying about life achievements, yet makes you want to dance and sing in the same way the fearless spirits of Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, and Elvis Presley did. Blending together a vintage sound with a contemporary and relatable way of thinking gives Georgia & The Vintage Youth a clear seat at the music table. “Overthinker” is a song that serves as a comfort and escape for those who also wonder about the future and anticipate what might come next.

Overthinker - Georgia & The Vintage Youth
Overthinker – Georgia & The Vintage Youth

Described as “refreshingly different” by The Evening Standard, Georgia & The Vintage Youth are unique in their sound, fusing the simplicity of easy beats, jazz-inspired grooves, classic pianos, and even horn sections to breathe a liveliness into vintage energy. Though the song sounds like a joyous celebration of youth, ironically, the song explores a common misconception – you’re supposed to have your entire life together by the end of your 20s. Georgia sings circles around that statement and effortlessly pokes fun at achieving young success through her captivating and soulful voice.

“‘Overthinker’ is about the journey you go through as a young twenty-year-old,” Georgia explains. “You always hear people say, ‘Make the most of these days because they’re the best you’re gonna get.’ And I’m thinking, ‘Surely, this can’t be it?'”

The inspiration for a song as raw, real, and honest as “Overthinker” is didn’t come from simply playing shows to audiences every night. It was just a couple of years ago that Georgia was working in pubs still wondering to herself, “At what point does life begin?” Georgia & The Vintage Youth worked together to create a retro yet simultaneously timeless sound with thoughts of questioning and realization in mind, but when the world was hit with quarantine and lockdown restrictions earlier this year, Georgia soon realized the track represented the thought process a lot of other people were experiencing. “There’s a line in the song that goes, ‘The days turn into weeks, turn into months,'” she says. “That seems to resonate with this monotonous life that many people are living right now.”

Georgia & The Vintage Youth © Angela Crandon 2020

Just like her Cyndi Lauper inspired style, Georgia’s unique and fresh sound also carries into her fearless lyricism. On “Overthinker,” the artist is unafraid to not only question the societal belief that your 20s are meant to be the best years of your life, but her tone, energy, and the song’s vibrance even seem to be making fun of it.

Well it’s all dead-end roads
and low blows
and all these locked-up doors.
I ain’t so sure
if these are the best days of my life.

The retro sound came naturally to the band, and in an interesting and fun way, the sound almost reflects a youth that’s not meant to be “grown-up.” It’s edgy, full of life, yet undying and Georgia reflects on the song’s sound by calling it representative of her own mindset when overthinking. “Each chorus gets a bit bigger, by the end there’s horn lines and clashing guitar riffs,” she explains, “I feel [it] demonstrates the chaos of my over-thinking brain.”

Georgia & The Vintage Youth © Angela Crandon 2020

In a world where we never know what’s coming next for us, especially in recent times, a song like “Overthinker” is truthfully the perfect way to escape your own mind. Does Georgia & The Vintage Youth have the answer to all our unanswered questions? No, but what they do possess is the energy, life, spirit, and music to keep everyone on their toes, dancing, laughing, and anticipating with an eagerness and a slight hint of hope that maybe our best days haven’t even happened yet.

Georgia & The Vintage Youth will be playing live shows at the Paper Dress Vintage and The Jazz Cafe across London. The band also has plans in 2021 to tour the UK, Germany, and China. Keep up with Georgia and her band’s latest music releases on Instagram and be on the lookout for more virtual live performances of “Overthinker” coming soon.

Stream: “Overthinker” – Georgia & The Vintage Youth


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? © Angela Crandon 2020

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