Premiere: Internet Raised’s Intimate “Burning Sheets” Is a Seductive Indie Pop Dalliance

Internet Raised © 2021
Internet Raised © 2021
An intensely intimate soirée, “Burning Sheets” roars with the heat of the moment as indie pop duo Internet Raised revel in the depths of lust, desire, connection, and seduction.
Stream: “Burning Sheets” – Internet Raised
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There’s something so fleeting, yet so deeply present about Internet Raised’s sophomore single. An intensely intimate soirée, “Burning Sheets” roars with the heat of the moment as the UK indie pop duo revel in the depths of lust, desire, connection, and seduction.

Burning Sheets - Internet Raised
Burning Sheets – Internet Raised
Every lonely night and shirts left in my car,
Swiping the screen right, spilling out my heart
Midnight cigarettes , drinking at at the bar,
Who will I take home tonight
Her or him, I don’t really mind,
Our bodies get intertwined
I wanna see dilating eyes,
Push me up against the wall
Lingerie on the kitchen floor
Baby I’ve not seen you before
Please give me the time of my life
Even if it’s just for one night

Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering “Burning Sheets,” the second single from brand new indie pop act Internet Raised. Debuting January 8 with the deeply poignant “Better,” the pairing of longtime friends Oliver Pinder (20, from Wakefield) and Vanessa Maria (26, from Manchester) introduced themselves through a balance of effervescent singing, intoxicating instrumentation, and bittersweet lyricism.

Internet Raised © 2021
Internet Raised © 2021

“Burning Sheets” continues in this fashion, reveling in the throes of passion – but only for one night, as the band sing about both the thrill of discovery and a love for solitude in a tantalizing, vivid chorus:

I just can’t wait to let you go
I much prefer being on my own
Whisper something in my ear
Let me know your still here
Naked bodies let me know that your still here
Burning sheets, release all your dopamine

“This song is too special to us,” Internet Raised tell Atwood Magazine. “We wrote it in the middle of lockdown, and it’s about craving the feeling you get when you go out and meet new people. The song symbolises craving.”

After a full year of on and off lockdowns, socially distant interactions, and a permeating sense of loss, fear, uncertainty, distance, and disconnect, the lyrics of “Burning Sheets” feel more like those taken from a television show than from real-life encounters. The notion of a random hookup or a one-night stand is by and large a foreign concept in a pandemic – a time when you need to trust, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the ones you’re with – and yet, what Internet Raised so viscerally capture is the physical and emotional trust we exhibit in the moment: So-called strangers can share the most powerful of bonds, if given the chance.

Nevertheless, one can’t help but wonder what COVID-19 has done to our innocence: Have we all been forced to grow up faster than we wanted to, or will mass vaccinations and eventual herd immunity lead us back to the same vices in which we once so enthusiastically indulged? Are we forever changed, or can we get back to who we used to be; and do we want to become those people again?

can you pass me the clipper
Nice pants can I test the zipper
Just to warn you I’m a lip biter
I like the burn of this fire
Baby oil dripping down your leg
We both know what’s gonna happen next
Who did I bring home tonight
Why do I this to myself
It’s damaging my mental health
I just wanna feel delicate
But maybe i am irrelevant
Internet Raised © 2021
Internet Raised © 2021

Perhaps we’re overthinking things; in point of fact, that kind of behavior is not very conducive to a one-night stand. Perhaps “Burning Sheets” is just an ode to our urges; to the insatiable cravings of a lustful youth; to the forays and frivolities, dalliances and romances we’ve been robbed of this past year. Nevertheless, Internet Raised – named as such after Lorde’s “A World Alone” lyric, “Maybe the internet raised us, or maybe people are jerks” – have caught our attention, and they’re holding it fast. If they can so delicately convey the magnetism of intimacy during our least intimate moments, then we must be left asking: What else can they do in song?

Get lost in the seduction of “Burning Sheets,” exclusively on Atwood Magazine!

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Stream: “Burning Sheets” – Internet Raised
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&visual=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

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Burning Sheets - Internet Raised

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