Balling and Bruised: The Road to EDEN’s Third Full-Length Album

EDEN © Alex Waespi
EDEN © Alex Waespi
Dublin born, London based singer, songwriter, and producer EDEN releases his best music yet with singles “Balling” and “Modern Warfare” in anticipation of his third full-length album, coming fall of 2022.
Stream: “Modern Warfare” – EDEN

Dublin born, London based singer, songwriter, and producer EDEN has been creating electronic, hip-hop and R&B infused pop music since 2015. Garnering a loyal fan base that has only continued to grow throughout the years, EDEN is the sound of a generation walking the coarse-grained line between physical world and digital space. His music to date is self-produced and recorded in his home studio in London. Eclectic beats, modular synths and glitchy distortions meet delicate, acoustic instrumentals to create masterful sonic stories. Each track carries emotional depth and achingly frank lyricism. EDEN’s music threatens pain like a bruise ⏤ one touch away from the soreness that still remains under the skin.

EDEN © Alex Waespi
EDEN © Alex Waespi

Atwood Magazine got the chance to chat with EDEN about his recent releases, “Modern Warfare” and “Balling,” and his upcoming album set to release this fall.

Creating this record has been no easy feat, as EDEN puts it, “I had a few intense months where I couldn’t even stomach opening a music program or picking up my guitar.”

A meditation on loss, EDEN reflects on what influenced “Balling”: “I lost two friends over the space of two years to different but equally tragic circumstances. On one hand it is trying to reconcile the sun-drenched memories, and feelings associated with remembrance, with the prospect of impermanence, and finality. On the other, it contemplates feelings of not being there enough for people you love, even though sometimes there is nothing more to do.”

Both singles have accompanying music videos that offer profound visual interpretations of each song. The video for “Modern Warfare” was created by Zhang & Knight and the video for “Balling” was created by Noel Paul. EDEN shares with Atwood, “I didn’t write the music with this creative vision for the visuals in mind but it parallels my real life in uncanny ways one of the high concepts was ‘how do you play the game when you’ve not been dealt a hand at all’. At times you can feel like things are completely out of your reach and out of your control but it doesn’t necessarily make you helpless and it doesn’t have to end in defeat.”

EDEN © Alex Waespi
EDEN © Alex Waespi

EDEN is the sound of a generation walking the coarse-grained line between physical world and digital space.

Letting his thoughts ruminate and his melodies play out, EDEN’s third album will be a culmination of the last few years.

The final product has been scrapped and rebuilt a few times over, EDEN revealed “there were definitely two previous versions. I just had to finesse it and fill in what was missing… things got too habitual. There were times when I just decided to shelve all of it and start again. It’s been quite a transformative process. If it wasn’t for my time at home without flying around, I don’t know if I would’ve allowed myself the space to take part in that kind of a process… I think it’s really the best music I’ve ever made in my life.”

Something like the final stage of grief, EDEN’s new music has the tenderness of acceptance. You hear movement through the waves of mourning the “hard and viciously heartbreaking” realities that can seem unconquerable. But like his music, EDEN finds peace in growth ⏤  ”It’s a compulsion I have to keep making things and to keep moving forward.”

Pre-save “Sci-Fi,” to be released August 12th, EDEN’s third single off his forthcoming album. And follow him on Spotify to hear fresh tracks from other artists to add to your rotation. He makes mean playlists and actively keeps them updated.

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:: stream/purchase Sci-Fi here ::
Stream: “Balling” – EDEN

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Balling - EDEN

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? © Alex Waespi

Cinematic Nuance & Pop Deconstruction: Exploring ‘vertigo’ with EDEN


vertigo: EDEN’s Epic Ode to the Isolated Beauty

:: REVIEW ::

:: Stream EDEN ::

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