Premiere: Raw and Impassioned, Desmerelda’s “Welcome to the Establishment” Provides a Much Needed Escape

Desmerelda Alex Cripps-Mahajan.
At a time where letting loose is needed more than ever, Desmerelda provide an anthem to let it happen with latest single “Welcome to the Establishment.”
“Welcome to the Establishment” – Desmerelda
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Though they only have a handful of singles, Desmerelda have already shown a penchant for unfettered wonder, crafting songs that have hearts racing and bodies moving. They’re rowdy, brash, and absolutely enthralling, and their latest single, “Welcome to the Establishment,” is an intoxicating continuation of their sound, and we at Atwood Magazine are proud to be premiering it today!

Welcome to the EStablishment – Desmerelda

The London-based band consists of Max Broggio (Vocals/Guitar), Alex Cripps (Bass), and Fraser Currie (Drums). Each possesses a level of control of their respective section that coalesces seamlessly with the rest of the members, resulting in a listening experience that never fails to lift spirits and revitalize listeners. “Welcome to the Establishment” accomplishes this within its first thirty seconds, making the rest of the song a rush of ecstasy that can’t be beaten.

The song immediately opens with a punch of soundwaves, never once giving the impression that this is a song to lounge to. The energy is constant, and listeners will be hard-pressed not to match it. As the first verse is underway, the rapid incantations elevate the melody to allow for the song’s fierce presence to become heightened. Within that first verse, something new can be heard. With “Welcome to the Establishment,” the band ventured into new territories, Cripps joining Broggio on vocals.

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Welcome to the Establishment is the first track we’ve released that gives our band more of a duo-frontman vibe,” explained Broggio to Atwood Magazine. “Alex [Cripps] came to me with the track in demo form intending to put my vocals on it for the verses but when I heard it, I felt his vocal was perfect for it – I think it shows a new side of Desmerelda.” The decision to let Cripps take on the main verses proved to be a great one, adding a nice new flavor to the band’s discography.

Broggio continues, “The track was recorded with our producer Ed Ripley at WAX recording studios in London; he really allowed us to build on the demo that we’d given him initially, taking extra care with how things sounded in the room and getting a great drum sound for Fraser. When it came down to mixing, things got very creative – there’s a jet engine on the track, listen closely and you might hear it.”

As the song enters into its second verse, it starts to become clearer just exactly what is going on. The story taking place is the perfect punk-rock tale: fights, beer, and potentially incriminating actions. “I’m not usually a lyricist however this song fell out of me whether I liked it or not,” details Cripps. “I think it was much-needed therapy after a very, very long evening in the wonderful town of Brighton where we celebrated one of our good friend’s birthdays. This tune describes that evening in the least incriminating way possible, I think.”

Desmerelda © 2019

Life sometimes has a little mayhem in it, so why not make a song to go along with it? Cripps then added, “Ed really managed to capture a sound in our instruments that gives the track some cojones. It’s a two (and a bit) minute ‘wham-bang-thank-you-mam’ that should get your head banging and your blood pumping.” Their goal of a blood-pumping experience has been far exceeded, making “Welcome to the Establishment” a rowdy late-night anthem for the ages.

The hectic nature of “Welcome to the Establishment” is refreshing given that most of the world is in insolation. For two and a half minutes, listeners can feel reprieve, they can feel alive again. It makes one want to shout, dance, and lose themselves to the music, something that is in high demand at the moment. For anyone wanting an escape, Desmerelda have proven again that they are up to the challenge, and they have yet to fail at delivering just that.

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“Welcome to the Establishment” – Desmerelda
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