Today’s Song: Johnnyswim’s “First Try” is a One-of-a-Kind Love Song

Johnnyswim © Darren Lau
Johnnyswim © Darren Lau

The band Johnnyswim is one whole of two halves: Abner Ramirez and Amanda Sudano-Ramirez. This brilliant and soulful married duo is taking the singer-songwriter world by storm. In 2014 they released their first full length album, Diamonds, holding the #1 spot on the singer-songwriter chart for weeks. Just this month, on October 14, 2016 they released their second full-length album, Georgica Pond (Big Picnic). While this album is chalk full with songs that will make you feel how songs are supposed to make you feel, one track in particular stands out. This song is called “First Try,” and it takes you through a love story from a unique angle.

Listen: “First Try” – Johnnyswim


There are millions of love songs out there. Most of them say the same thing and just use different words. However, with “First Try,” Johnnyswim manage to create a one-of-its-kind love song. The song states the fact (it doesn’t hope or pray) that their first try at this thing with each other is also going to be their last. Their first try has worked and will continue to work for the rest of their lives. They’re looking at their love with no fear and no restraints – whatever happens, their first try will continue to be successful, and that is what makes this song so unique and special. The song opens with a strong pluck on the guitar and a “Let It Be” gospel like melody instantly initiating a head nod into the first verse:

Before we ever wrote a song
Before you ever sang along
I knew you were only, the only one I need

Fun fact about Johnnyswim: Their love didn’t grow out of writing songs together, in fact, they began writing songs together as a rouse to just hang out with each other. Luckily for them, and for us, it turned into something pretty great. Point being, from the very beginning it was always about love for them. The verse then continues as the gritty guitar echoes with every pluck before building into the chorus which is brilliantly crafted. Amanda begins singing with such intensity, depth and raw emotion; there is no choice but to believe every word she says. Abner joins accompanied by a choir, and together, they harmonize along with Amanda’s soulful lyrics. The rhythmic melody of the voices and the music fills the chorus, reinforcing that this song is the truth. Head nod continues.

Why everybody gotta learn the hard way? 

Amanda: I don’t want no plan b Abner: (I’ll get it right, get it right)
Amanda: I ain’t got no envy Abner: (if it keeps you by my side)
BOTH: I’ll get it right, I’ll get it right on the first try
Amanda: I don’t need no second chances Abner: (I’ll get it right, get it right)
Amanda: I don’t want no new romances Abner: (if it keeps you by my side)
BOTH: I’ll get it right, I’ll get it right on the first try”

“First Try” is a gospel-like anthem that’s filled to the brim with soul. The music, combined with the lyrics, and this brilliant couple could make a believer out of even the biggest pessimist. The song is a celebration, and at the end the listener will celebrate the fact that they truly did it, they got it on the first try. The song slowly fades out with the same echoing guitar and “Let it Be” like melody that it began with, tying a bow on their beautifully unique love story.

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cover photo: Johnnyswim © Darren Lau

Georgica Pond – Johnnyswim

Georgica Pond - Johnnyswim
Georgica Pond – Johnnyswim
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