“Like Venus from a shell”: “Orlando in Love” Is Japanese Breakfast’s Dreamy, Seductive Siren Song

Japanese Breakfast © Pak Bae
Japanese Breakfast © Pak Bae
A track coated in literary and mythological references, “Orlando in Love” is a promising teaser for what’s to come on Japanese Breakfast’s upcoming fourth album, ‘For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women).’
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“Orlando in Love” – Japanese Breakfast

Japanese Breakfast released “Orlando in Love” on January 7th as the lead single for their upcoming fourth album, For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women).

The track is as enchantingly captivating and charming as the whole of their discography is, both thanks to lead singer and songwriter Michelle Zauner’s subtle lyrical wit and a voice that feels like we’re being carried away on floating clouds.

Short and sweet, “Orlando in Love” tastefully includes allusions to the epic poem Orlando Innamorato (Orlando in Love) by Matteo Maria Boiardo. Japanese Breakfast set the stage for yet another beautiful listening experience with this single, all within a hypnotizing two minutes.

For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women) - Japanese Breakfast
For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women) – Japanese Breakfast

Orlando Innamorato is a work born from the Italian Renaissance, a time as rich and brimming with artistic excellence as Japanese Breakfast’s collection of music is. First published in 1483, the story chronicles the adventures of the knight Orlando, an epic full of chivalry, magic, and most importantly in the context of this track, love.

Orlando soon becomes enamored with Angelica, an elusive, fiercely independent, mystical woman. His infatuation with Angelica seems to serve as a thematic backdrop for the track, the lyrics reflecting this theme of a siren-like, otherworldly woman beckoning out to a vulnerable lover.

Zauner says, “‘Orlando in Love’ is made up of a hodgepodge of odd references. The title comes from an epic poem by Matteo Maria Boiardo called Orlando Innamorato, which ends abruptly at 68.5 cantos because Italy was invaded by French troops, and that’s as far as he got before he had to flee.”

“I fell in love with the title and envisioned a sort of whimsical, foolish male protagonist who lives by the sea in a Winnebago RV and is seduced by a siren. After writing it, it felt like the perfect thesis statement for an album that is largely about people, often men, who find themselves seduced by temptation and are duly punished for it.

Japanese Breakfast © Pak Bae
Japanese Breakfast © Pak Bae

It felt like the perfect thesis statement for an album that is largely about people, often men, who find themselves seduced by temptation and are duly punished for it

Orlando in love
Writes 69 cantos
For melancholy brunettes
and s
ad women
The breeze carries salt
And sipping milky broth
He cast his gaze toward the
sea out the Winnebago

Zauner’s vocal tone is light, playful, and almost mischievous.

The element of teasing within the lyrics is clear, that Orlando is foolish to try and discern where this woman’s supernatural allure and charm comes from.

Japanese Breakfast’s music video for the single only further solidifies this idea of an intoxicatingly alluring figure, with visual references to the Roman goddess Venus ( of love, beauty, fertility, and desire) alongside further lyrical references to the Roman mythos.

In the video, Venus calls out to Orlando, played by Zauner, voicing a hypnotizing siren call.

As if the sea had bore her
to be an ideal woman
She came to him from the water
like Venus from a shell
Singing his name with all the
sweetness of a mother
Leaving him breathless
and then drowned
Orlando, Orlando,
Orlando, Orlando
"Orlando in Love" Japanese Breakfast music video still
“Orlando in Love” Japanese Breakfast music video still

The track ends with four calls out to Orlando, Zauner’s vocals undoubtedly pulling listeners in with a sort of dizzying mystique.

In a track chock full of literary allusions, mythological references, complex lyricism, and an equally charming and haunting vocal performance (again, all in under 3 minutes), Japanese Breakfast are setting the expectation for a wonderfully layered and unique experience that will make up their fourth album.

For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women) releases on March 21st via Dead Oceans on all music streaming platforms.

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:: stream/purchase Orlando in Love here ::
:: pre-order For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women) here ::
:: connect with Japanese Breakfast here ::

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“Orlando in Love” – Japanese Breakfast

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For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women) - Japanese Breakfast

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? © Pak Bae

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