Video Premiere: Cat Delphi’s “Message” Explores a Deeper Side of Life

I’m gonna send a message to you,” sings Cat Delphi to a partner in her harrowing 2017 single, “Message.” “I’m gonna make you feel right with words we left unspoken.” Emotions may be intangible and invisible, but they hold such incredible weight – to the point that it is often difficult to explain them with words alone. No matter how close two individuals can be, sharing one’s feelings – the full extent of them – is no easy task.

Time stands still within my mind
Remembering days spent playing under water
And I’ll wait for my elation, on the darker side of life
And I’ll carry his religion, with all that I can find
As hard as it seems, I hear you calling to me
My mind will play it on repeat, just for me.


Cat Delphi © Adam J Spinks @ Initiative Motion Pictures
Cat Delphi © Adam J Spinks @ Initiative Motion Pictures

Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering the music video for “Message,” Cat Delphi’s vivid exploration of feeling. Previously nominated for Best Songwriter and Best Female Solo at the Best of British Unsigned Music Awards, UK singer/songwriter Cat Delphi casts a wide net in establishing her artistry: Her haunting balladry mixes passionate meaning with impassioned performance. Nowhere is that more visible than on her latest single, which Delphi describes as “a reflection of life, love, struggle and exploring a deeper side of life.”

I’m gonna send a message to you
I’m gonna make you feel right
with words we’ve left unspoken

I’m gonna hear the echo,
I’ve been longing for tonight

I’m gonna introduce you to another side of life

“Message” is Cat Delphi’s attempt to define – or at least, project – the undefinable aspects that lend depth to our lives and our loves. Get to know Delphi and her spine-tingling song in our chat below, and look out for more from this promising talent.

Watch: “Message” – Cat Delphi


Atwood Magazine: Describe the significance of “Message” and its relevance to the music video.

Cat Delphi: It was really fun shooting this video. We used an incredible dancer from the Royal Ballet School ‘Sander Blommaert’ and he played my alter ego. His movements throughout the video reflect my inner conflict of emotions, and this was important to me as the song focuses on a reflection of life, love, struggle and exploring a deeper side of life.

What were some of your musical influences over the course of making “Message”?

Cat Delphi: When I was writing this particular song, there were a lot of great new artists that I was discovering. Maggie Rogers was a particular favourite, I also got into Kacy Hill and Lawrence Taylor. I enjoyed reconnecting with former favourites like Lana Del Ray, The Moody Blues and Florence. I grew up with Elton John and Billy Joel and those type of singer/songwriter influences will always be present in my every day song writing, but I have such a diverse musical background, that I like to think my music reflects a little bit of everything!

There's an intimacy about “Message” that digs deep into the core of relationships. Can you speak on the effect that music has had on your relationships?

Cat Delphi: I definitely think everyone can take something from this song. While “Message” does explore a narrative of love and indulgence, the song’s main focus for me is a reflcetion of life and how this plays a part in every relationship you ever embark on. It’s how the two are connected that made me really emotional when writing this. In terms of my own relationships – no comment HA!

How would you best describe your music to those who are hearing you for the first time?

Cat Delphi: It sounds so cliche, but I just enjoy being honest with the music that I write. Sometimes it’s hard for me to find the words and I am more driven emotionally with the melodies and sonority that I create from the piano. That’s what tells the story for me, the words are just decoration.

What are the key elements you look for in music that you like?

Cat Delphi: Like I was saying before, the instrumental melody and harmonies are what gives me that feeling inside, it moves me like something I can’t explain and takes me to a new sound world and when a song does that, it goes straight in my playlist!

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Message - Cat Delphi

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cover © Adam J Spinks

:: Listen to More Cat Delphi ::

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