Lostboycrow’s new songs “Orange Juice” and “Stargazing with Patrick Bateman” capture feelings of elation and freedom, longing and vulnerability as the artist reconnects with himself, his past, and his present.
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What do you feel when you look up at the stars? What do you see when you look in the mirror; when you stare yourself straight in the eye? Lostboycrow’s new songs “Orange Juice” and “Stargazing with Patrick Bateman” capture feelings of elation and freedom, longing and vulnerability as the artist reconnects with himself, his past, and his present.
Free like the raven’s song
Like the way I don’t know where to go
Belief is a telescope
that nobody taught you how to hold.
I don’t feel like that
anymore, anymore, anymore
I don’t feel alone
when my soul is a mountain
I’ve been down that road
Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering “Orange Juice” and “Stargazing with Patrick Bateman,” two new songs off Lostboycrow’s forthcoming debut album, Santa Fe (out 2019). While distinctly different in texture and flavor – “Orange Juice” is a feelgood jam, and “Stargazing…” a somber outpouring – both songs capture the magic of Chris Blair’s diverse, distinctive artistry.

The Oregon native, whose musical alias Lostboycrow has proved a streaming sensation since debuting in 2015 (with a staggering 150 million+ cumulative streams), went back to his roots in creating his debut album last year, renting a secluded Airbnb in Santa Fe with friends and fiddling in various makeshift studios driven by in-the-moment inspiration and free-flowing creativity.
The result “is a vehicle of exploring gratitude for where I am, who I am, and how I came to be Lostboycrow and ultimately do what I’m doing,” Blair shares via press release. Santa Fe‘s first two singles, “Since the Day I Was Born” and “Waste of Time” (featuring Bea Miller), are each homages to time and place in their own special ways. The former is an R&B-driven confessional aching with honest, whilst the latter builds to anthemic indie pop choruses filled with angst and youthful zeal.

“‘Orange Juice’ and ‘Stargazing’ were both started with my good friend Brandon Hallam before the album or destination of Santa Fe was ever conceptualized,” Lostboycrow tells Atwood Magazine. “I like to think both songs are really just he and I celebrating each other’s quirks as musicians – exploring what the next chapter could be before any of the groundwork was laid.”
Dreamers on a riverbed
Swim against these
Current of indifference
Differently dreaming words
We never said
We were dancing past
The way it could have been
We could have been so…
Oh I flashback to peach schnapps and laughter
I swear this trains moving backwards
I swear this trains moving backwards
Stream: “Orange Juice” – Lostboycrow
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/556460622?secret_token=s-6VbW7″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=true&visual=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]Groovy, free-flowing, and instantly catchy, “Orange Juice” is a veritable Lostboycrow hit and the perfect song to kick off the new year! Lostboycrow inspires a feelgood warmth through sweet, cascading guitar licks and soothing, rich vocal harmonies that dance circles through the ears, driving us to move our whole bodies to an entrancing dance rhythm. Caught in-between bittersweet revelry and cheerful nostalgia, Lostboycrow whispers spine-tingling poetry full of passion and intent.
“Orange Juice is a sort of call into embracing that which we can’t know. Accepting it as adventure and not a sentence to live in fear. Likening the idea of organized religions or really any absolute truths not as black and white answers but simply looking through the wrong end of a telescope.”

“Stargazing with Patrick Bateman” follows “Orange Juice” like a serene dream that slowly builds outside of the comfort zone. Over two dreamy minutes, Lostboycrow enchants us with a heartfelt outpouring of the soul that ultimately recognizes his own fragility, shortcomings, and falliibility: “I don’t see too well, I like I used to,” he croons. “I can’t feel your name on my skin.” The provocative American Psycho reference in the title adds to the mystery and allure of this ethereal pasture, and soon enough it’s time to wake up.
The walls in my apartment say I’m visionary
And tell me that I’m foolish when I call
Betrayal never tasted sweet until I met you
But the walls in my apartment seen it all
It’s only luck if you save it / It’s only luck
Tell me you love me don’t say it / It’s only
I don’t see too well, I like I used to
I can’t feel your name on my skin
I just smoked that green like we used to
Take me for a spin
– “Stargazing…“
Lostboycrow is building tremendous anticipation for Santa Fe, and rightfully so: The artist is proving himself a musical and emotional wellspring with every new song off his debut album, taking listeners on wondrous adventures we cannot wait to return to time and again. Stream “Orange Juice” and “Stargazin with Patrick Bateman” exclusively on Atwood Magazine!
“Orange Juice” & “Stargazing” – Lostboycrow
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/682120461?secret_token=s-LIlR3″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&visual=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”350″ iframe=”true” /]? ? ? ? ?
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