Exclusive Premiere: Athens’ Monsoon Pack a Sonic Punch on “Shotgun Wedding”

According to Google (always a solid source), a “monsoon” can be described as a prevailing wind – a seasonal shift that brings with it a different kind of weather. Monsoons essentially herald change through sheer force, which is why the name fits so perfectly for Sienna Chandler’s indie rock/post-punk band, Monsoon.

Monsoon is the formidable three-piece rock band from Athens, Georgia, led by Sienna Chandler on lead guitar and vocals, with Scott Andrews on bass and vocals and Emmett Cappi on drums. Abrasive guitars are controlled with immaculate precision as the band channel a litany of emotions into a sonic punch worthy of their name.

Yin and yang are sitting in a tree
Doing k-i-s-s-s-t-d
She’s a firm believer in modesty
She’s a firm believer in nothing
Take apart my body
I’ve watched you all night sleepwalking
Watch: “Shotgun Wedding” – Monsoon

Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering “Shotgun Wedding,” the final video in a special private session sponsored by AthensMade, filmed & tracked by LiveSyphon live at Flicker Theatre & Bar in Athens, GA. The final track off Monsoon’s rollicking independently-released 2015 debut album Ride a Rolla, “Shotgun Wedding” is a captivating, concentrated explosion of energy. The band’s carefree punk/garage rock attitude, similar to that of FIDLAR and early Kings of Leon, is utterly intoxicating: They somehow deliver an equal dose of care and recklessness in their balanced execution.

The result is a humorously dark, raucously intense number. “I had no earthly idea what a shotgun wedding was when I was writing it,” says Sienna Chandler of Monsoon’s hyped-up song, “I thought it was just a wedding with shotguns, so obviously I thought it was good song material. Unfortunately I found out the truth on a live radio interview I was doing, where the sweet interviewer told me what was what. Embarrassing, but I think this is one of those conversation starter stories. Hey Mike, one time I wrote a song about two people who were forced into a marriage due to an unplanned pregnancy! I had NO clue what I was writing about! I’m pretty funny, right mike? RIGHT?” Chandler’s innocence to the truth of a shotgun wedding somehow makes the song all the more vivid: Its lyrics are appropriately dramatic.

I thought it was just a wedding with shotguns.

Monsoon perform "Shotgun Wedding"
Monsoon perform “Shotgun Wedding”

Monsoon perform "Shotgun Wedding"
Monsoon perform “Shotgun Wedding”

It’s hard to take one’s eyes off this particular live rendition of “Shotgun Wedding.” Everything falls so well into place, with Monsoon’s members truly embodying a tidal force of sonic power. They’re making noise in Athens, and it can be heard around the world.

Atwood Magazine x LiveSyphon

Athensmade has tapped LiveSyphon, with whom Atwood Magazine has its own exclusive partnership showcasing live music from across the country, to shoot this Monsoon pilot for a potential series in 2017, the goal of which would be to amplify various aspects of Athens’ creative community through the lens of its incredible music scene. Owen Hunt of Guerrilla Factory tracked/mixed the audio and generated/pitched the concept, while Marty Brummeler of Mitten Audio Mastering mastered each mix.  This is the last of a 3 part series.

Monsoon are ready to bust out of the Athens music scene and onto the world’s stage. The band’s song “Ride A’Rolla” was notably featured during Super Bowl 2016. Discover the garage-rock force that is Monsoon through “Shotgun Wedding” and look out for more from Monsoon, LiveSyphon and Athensmade in 2017!

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Athensmade is a non-profit organization that exists to educate, support and promote homegrown brands, entrepreneurs and creative professionals in Athens, GA. Learn more at athensmade.com

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Connect with Monsoon on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Discover more new music on Atwood’s Picks
cover photo: Monsoon © 2016

Ride a Rolla – Monsoon

Ride a Rolla - Monsoon
Ride a Rolla – Monsoon

:: Watch: “Shotgun Wedding” – Monsoon ::

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