Tender, warm, wide-eyed, and wondrous, Signe Vange’s “Canada” is a gentle reflection on the ebbs and flows of our shared human experience.
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Stream: “Canada” – Signe Vange
It is the crack of light on my upcoming EP. A little folky love song about the random situations and places that in hindsight end up being life changing.
The sun’s rays shine gracefully throughout Signe Vange’s latest single.
Listen closely, and you can hear the Danish singer/songwriter’s smile grow wider as her song progresses. Tender, warm, wide-eyed, and wondrous, “Canada” is a gentle reflection on the ebbs and flows of the human experience. We’ll never know, in the moment, how our seemingly small, insignificant decisions might forever alter the course of our lives for the better. Through sweet music and introspective lyrics, Vange dives in headfirst, ready for everything that may come her way.

I buy courage and time
In the bar tonight
Shooting shots drowning fear
Trying to get near you
It’s the end of the season
There´s no
Way to give into reason
And go, so…
Independently released January 12, 2024, “Canada” is Signe Vange’s first song of the year and the second single taken off her forthcoming EP, Dinosaur (out Friday, March 8). The track follows last October’s lead single “Skyscraper” featuring Lise Westzynthius, a soul-stirring reflection on climate change, survival, and the future’s uncertainty.
Highlighting her ability to be both concerned and hopeful for tomorrow and tomorrow’s tomorrows, “Canada” sees Vange looking up – whisking herself and listeners into a dreamy, ethereal state of connection with the world.
“It’s the end of the season, there’s no way to give into reason,” Vange expresses, a lilting melody rising and falling on her lips as she sings alongside dulcet synths and guitars. Together with fellow musicians Jeppe Skovbakke (guitar, bass), Anders Filipsen (synths) and Jeppe Gram (drums), Vange weaves a warm, ambient environment, inviting us to dwell with her in the depths of life and human experience.

“Some tunes nag me for years. Playing as random bits and pieces in the back of my head. Feeling full of potential yet annoyingly incohesive. Only a few evolve into songs. ‘Canada’ was one of those,” Vange tells Atwood Magazine. “It is the crack of light on my upcoming EP. A little folky love song about the random situations and places that in hindsight end up being life changing.”
“I was fortunate to record the EP the old-fashioned way in a studio with the most amazing musicians. But a limited budget meant that we only had about four hours to arrange and record each song, which can be quite nerve wrecking if you don’t get it right straight away.”
“With ‘Canada’ we struggled a bit to find a meaningful direction for the arrangement. The turning point came when the drummer Jeppe Gram suggested leaving out drums in the post-chorus. What first seemed like a random idea created this interesting void that made space for a lively bass, layers of synth and an acoustic guitar. It ended up inspiring the entire soundscape. That sense of fulfillment when it all falls into place is the best feeling in the world. When a song lands in its final form and stops being this complicated, ever-transforming part of oneself. I wish everyone could get to experience it.”
“Listening to the track now I envision an old-school fairytale princess walking through a forest while waving at all the little creatures and animals she passes on the way.”

I ask if you would take me some place
Where nobody knows
Who we are
or where we come from
And you lead the way
To Canada
And a future changing
You come with dawn, come with dawn..
Who knows what tomorrow may bring?
The future is and will forever be a mystery, but in “Canada,” Vange takes a moment of respite from our wondering and wandering, and simply embraces being present and in the moment. “I ask if you would take me some place where nobody knows who we are or where we come from,” she sings, “And you lead the way to Canada and a future changing.”
Open-hearted and open-minded, she invites us to look ahead not with weary hearts and souls, but with a sense of excitement and wonderment.
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Stream: “Canada” – Signe Vange
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© Sara Galbiati
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