West Yorkshire’s Full Colour are the fast-rising five-piece who are eager for the long-awaited opportunity to take their new music on the road and take the live music scene by storm.
Stream: “Butterfly Brain” – Full Colour
Conrad Berriff, Will Bolton, Alex Holdsworth, Henry Strangeway, and Dillon Harrison are the teenagers behind West Yorkshire’s high-energy band, Full Colour. The year 2020 has posed challenges for even the most established artists in the music industry, but this young West Yorkshire-based band remains undeterred. Despite live shows going on hold for the foreseeable future, and fan interaction limited to digital experiences, Full Colour are diving full-throttle into the British music scene.

Oh, I’ve got a butterfly brain
One that’s caught up in illusions
And caught up in pain.
I’ve never been on this side of the coin
I was caught up in illusions and caught up in joy.
Now I guess we’ll never get to find out
If those visions will come true,
oh we’ll never know now.
On June 19th, Full Colour released their most recent single, Butterfly Brain. Butterfly Brain is the second offering from the band’s upcoming EP, Times Change, which is due for release in August 2020 via Good Soldier Records. The guitar-led track is nothing short of anthemic, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and progressive. Nostalgic anthems are now closely associated with this fast-rising band’s sound, and the raucous guitar riffs that run riot throughout Butterfly Brain are unmistakable.
Atwood Magazine caught up with Full Colour frontman Conrad Berriff about Butterfly Brain, being unable to tour, and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Oh, I’ve got a butterfly brain
One that’s caught up in illusions
And caught up in pain
Oh, I’ve got a butterfly brain
One that’s caught up in illusions
And caught up in pain

Atwood Magazine: First of all, congratulations on the new song! How does it feel to release Butterfly Brain, has it been a long time in the making?
Conrad Berriff: Thank you very much! It’s been such a long time in the making, so it feels great to finally be able to get it out into the world!
''Butterfly Brain'' has really great energy, could you tell us what inspired you to write the track?
Berriff: It was the first song that myself (Conrad) and Alex ever wrote together, back in 2018. I heard the opening chords and kind of knew immediately where we should take it. It’s been through a few different iterations, but I think we’ve finally found the one that really works.
Releasing new music must be extremely exciting for you guys, but obviously things are a bit different at the moment. Given the COVID-19 situation, has this release felt strange at all?
Berriff: It’s been quite strange releasing music without being able to tour it, but it seems as though everyone is much more engaged with social media as a result, so that has really made up for it.
And will he spoil you like I didn’t?
Will he make the right decisions? When will I be forgiven?
I’m just cold as fuck and don’t empathise
Because I don’t think of consequences or what is on your mind.
Oh, I’ve got a butterfly brain
One that’s caught up in illusions
And caught up in pain.

Live shows are one of the biggest things in the music industry to be affected by the lockdown in the UK. How does it feel to be an up-and-coming band in a time where live shows aren’t feasible?
Berriff: We’ve only just been able to get back into our practice room, so it’s been really different not being able to play together for so long. I suppose it gives us the time to make sure that we’re better than ever for when touring does become feasible again.
So, when lockdown is over, the virus is more under control, and live shows are reintroduced, do you have any exciting plans for going on the road?
Berriff: We’ve got a couple of festivals and tours lined up, some that we rescheduled, and some new ones. So, it’s going to be pretty wild when we’re able to get back out there!
Are there any venues you particularly aspire to play?
Berriff: The O2 in London is definitely on the bucket list, along with Madison Square Garden!
When you're playing shows, do you have a favourite song to play live? Or are there any new, unreleased songs that you’re particularly excited to play?
Berriff: Coincidentally, Butterfly Brain has always been our favourite to play live because it just has that raw energy that really bounces off everyone in the room. There are also a few new songs we’ll be introducing into the live set, which we’re really excited about!
After releasing Times Change in May, and now Butterfly Brain, it seems as though you guys have been very busy putting together new music. What does the writing process look like for you? Is there a particular order in which you approach writing music?
Berriff: The writing process generally begins with myself, and either Alex or Will sat at a laptop finding a riff or some chords that we’re really into, before developing it into a fully-fledged instrumental. At that point, I’ll take it away and write the melody and lyrics before putting it all together.

Aside from new music, a lot is going on at the moment, and it must feel like a very poignant time to be in the industry. One of the most important topics is the Black Lives Matter movement. Is there anything you’ve seen happening or changing in the music industry as a result?
Berriff: Black Lives Matter has really brought into perspective how big of an issue racism is within the industry, and across society in general. It has really shined a light on how disregarded an issue it was, and I think we’re starting to see a big change as people begin to pay attention to how prominent a matter it really is.
I agree that there are a lot of important conversations happening surrounding racism and equality, and I would hope that these topics aren't disregarded. Like many others, the music industry is at a pivotal time for a change. Are you excited about the future of a more equal and inclusive industry?
Berriff: It’s an extremely emotional, but also a very exciting time for black artists to finally be getting the recognition and acknowledgment that they deserve. It’s one of those times where you really feel like everyone is connecting and coming together to change the world for the better.
I agree, and I hope that the positive changes we’re starting to see continue to develop.
Reverting back to your new, exciting music, when your fans or new listeners hear ''Butterfly Brain'' for the first time, are there any specific emotions or feelings you hope the track evokes?
Berriff: The key thing is that the lyrics are really sad, but the track itself is very upbeat. I’ve seen interviews with other artists where they talk about wanting to make the audience jump up and down but cry at the same time, and that’s really what we’re going for here.
Finally, just to finish off, how have you and the band coped during this strange period. Have you found comfort in writing or listening to music?
Berriff: We’ve been in contact with each other constantly, and Alex and I have been writing pretty much every day. So, it’s been a really productive time for us. We’re definitely coming out the other side of this better than we ever were before.
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Stream: “Butterfly Brain” – Full Colour
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