NYC singer/songwriter Marilyn Hucek empowers women everywhere with her dazzling pop-R&B driven single, “Boy Drama.”
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Stream: “Boy Drama” – Marilyn Hucek
When going through a breakup or a heartbreak of any sort, there are innumerable ups and downs. There are lot of holes to climb out of and a lot of lessons to be learned. If you’re lucky, you have people to help you climb out of those holes and people to help you realize those lessons sooner rather than later. One of the best ways to get over someone is when you have other people surrounding you – people who truly love you that allow you to realize, why spend time on someone who doesn’t love me when I know what it feels like to have the support of those someone(s) who do. And most importantly, why spend time on someone who doesn’t love me when I could spend that time loving myself. Marilyn Hucek proves she is the friend you never knew you needed with new single, “Boy Drama.”

Released May 27, 2022, “Boy Drama” is Marilyn Hucek’s grooving second single of the year, following February’s “Girls Girl.” Hucek originally wrote the song about her friend’s abortion, and as she puts it, “I want to be the voice for someone who needs to be uplifted during dark times.” She says “It is a powerful reminder to women not to undersell themselves and settle for less. It’s dedicated to the women who don’t give themselves enough credit, and emphasizes to not accept being treated as lesser than.”
The song begins with a beep on a message machine backed by dreamy synth notes and a voicemail left by Hucek herself, setting the tone for the song,
(Hey I’m not here but leave a message)
(Hey girl, I heard what happened
I am so sorry that guy does not deserve you
You are so much better than him honestly
He’s a f***ing piece of s***)
As Hucek begins to sing the beat drops and an immediate R&B vibe is set,
It’s been a few months since I’ve seen you How’s life been treating you
What’s been going on in the East Village You say you’ve seen this guy a bunch
He comes and goes it’s just your luck And you think he’s seeing somebody else
I know you’re better off with someone else I know you’re the kinda girl
To leave yourself for last
He doesn’t appreciate the girl you are
You don’t know you’re a diamond in the rough
The chorus becomes grittier, allowing Hucek to harmonize and emphasize the message of the song,
Boy drama, think you’ve heard it all
Boy drama, when your girl takes a fall
Boy drama, conversation for all Boy drama…
Hucek’s words are as catchy as they are emphatic.

Verse two continues as a love letter to a friend. It is so often that you wish your friend could see themselves the way you see them, Hucek is able to give this to her friend in these lyrics,
Can’t believe that he left you
He moved on without you
Now you’re taking care of all his mistakes
Gotta say I’m really proud
Of the woman you are now
Never doubt yourself either way
Hucek sings the bridge with soothing vocals matching the R&B undertones,
You thought he was the one, wow
You thought you’d never suffer
You’re a good girl mami
You thought you found the love of your life
Oh, but he ain’t the one
He ain’t the one
The song ends with a delicious outro including the all-too-true statement:
Boy Drama, they come and go don’t look back

Hucek stays true to the words of her song in the production of it as well.
“Boy Drama” was written, produced, and performed entirely by women: The song was produced and mixed by Elizabeth Maniscalco, and mastered by Martina Albano. Not only that, but the song’s accompanying photoshoot and album art were also created by women. Art backed by action can create the most powerful movements. We support Hucek and look forward to see and hear what’s next from this talented, emerging singer/songwriter.
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Stream: “Boy Drama” – Marilyn Hucek
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