Premiere: Megan Winsor’s Soul-Stirring “Sure” Is a Cathartic, Comforting Anthem of Perseverance & Passion

Megan Winsor © Lauren Nieves
Megan Winsor © Lauren Nieves
Los Angeles singer/songwriter Megan Winsor captures the aching ebb and flow of life’s uncertain tides in her spirited, soul-stirring “Sure,” a cathartic and deeply vulnerable indie pop song with a fittingly abstract, soothing music video.
Stream: “Sure” – Megan Winsor

Just give me one more phone call, so I can rant about my downfall. A knife to the heart can’t be much worse…

Are you sure now?” a heavy-hearted Megan Winsor asks, her gentle voice hauntingly tender as she addresses the all-knowing abyss.

The punches keep rolling, and the clock has stopped next to my nightstand.” Shivers trickle down the spine in waves of raw, chilling emotion. Listening to the singer/songwriter’s latest single, only one thing seems certain: That none of us is really sure about what we’re doing, why we’re here, or even if we’re on the path that’s right for us. We’re all just fumbling in the proverbial dark – trying to do what’s right for ourselves, trying to make a living wage, to pay the rent, pay for our food and gas, get through the day, and make it safely to the next one.

And if we can do all of that, while still holding our heads high, loving our lives and ourselves, then that just might be the greatest gift of all. Winsor captures the aching ebb and flow of life’s uncertain tides in the spirited, soul-stirring “Sure,” a cathartic and deeply vulnerable indie pop song characterized by the artist’s own unyielding perseverance and a deep yearning for connection and clarity in this hot mess we call existence.

Sure - Megan Winsor
Sure – Megan Winsor
Are you sure now?
The punches keep rolling
And the clock has stopped next to my nightstand.
Are you sure about
The tantrum you’re throwing?
‘Cause I’ve been overthinking instead.
For a will and way, let’s get it straight
That I’m lost in ways I can’t explain.
Been pulled too hard in different ways
And maybe it’s the worst-case.

Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering the music video for “Sure,” Megan Winsor’s emotionally-charged, shiver-inducing first release of 2024. Directed by Elise Bortz and Ethan Stockwell, featuring dancer Quinn Francis and choreography by Summer Cantrell, the visual accompaniment to Winsor’s uncompromising, heart-on-sleeve confessional is a calming, comforting, and colorful experience. Winsor’s music is rich and filled with bright harmonies and buoyant melodies – she’s previously been likened to Maggie Rogers and Hayley Williams, and for good reason. Her golden vocals effortlessly cut through today’s noise, and she wields them with delicate grace and care, building a song that feels at once fragile and so unapologetically full of life.

Even if the circumstances it was made in are achingly bittersweet.

Are you sure now?
I can’t hold your hand.
And there goes the sound of the gun.
It’s cold out
And it’s my last chance.
Don’t you think that I’ve had enough?
Megan Winsor © Lauren Nieves
Megan Winsor © Lauren Nieves

“At 25, I find myself in search of a breath of fresh air, a break, or just some clarity on what’s happening, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. Every time I think I’ve hit rock bottom, somehow I encounter another downfall,” Winsor tells Atwood Magazine.

“I wrote ‘Sure’ on the first day of my 9-5 job, thinking this is it — I am no longer a musician, but a corporate robot. However, fate had different plans, and the company eventually let me go after just a month. It was a sign from the universe to record an album, and now here we are. ‘Sure’ is a song that explores the lows and the infrequent highs that accompany them. Despite it all, we must keep pushing forward because, at the end of the day, you are the only one who can save yourself from the chaos of being a twenty-something hot mess.”

I don’t have a will or way, let’s get it straight
That I’m lost in ways I can’t explain
You pulled too hard and won my fate
And babe that is the worst case
Megan Winsor © Lauren Nieves`
Megan Winsor © Lauren Nieves

For Winsor, “Sure” is a reflection of where she’s been and where she hopes to be heading: Even as she dwells in lfe’s all-too frequent brooding depths, there’s a passion embedded in her bones that shines through her rousing performance.

“The overall theme of the song is just trying to keep moving forward,” she says. “The journey involves pushing through the lows while waiting for those highs, even though we never know when or if they’ll come. It’s a journey of feeling lost, spiraling, but ultimately realizing that you’re on your own, so you have to keep pushing to find yourself.”

“The ‘Are you sure?‘ theme was sparked from constant conversations with older generations. Hearing that this is the best time of your life, and you’ll feel less lost one day, all I have to say is, are you sure? All I know is that there was a beginning, there will be an end, and it’s hard dealing with the middle.”

Who told you it was easy?
Now all this shit surrounds me
And I can’t help but think I was cursed
Just give me one more phone call
So I can rant about my downfall
A knife to the heart can’t be much worse
Are you sure?
It could be worse?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Megan Winsor © Lauren Nieves
Megan Winsor © Lauren Nieves

None of us is sure of anything, and yet we keep calm and carry on, as the old adage goes.

That we even get to have a choice in the matter is a privilege in its own right, but I’ll save that conversation for another time; for so many of us, life is a never-ending puzzle, and while “Sure” may not answer any questions, it certainly helps us feel comforted by the fact that we’re all a bit lost, we’re all a bit unsure, and we’re all just making the most of what we’ve got, while we’ve got it.

Watch Megan Winsor’s music video exclusively on Atwood Magazine, and be sure to stay tuned for more to come from this breathtaking talent. From her thought-provoking lyrics to her radiant vocal tones, Winsor has a way of connecting to something much deeper within us all; and while we may not know what tomorrow will bring, we know one thing is for sure: The future is very bright for this singer/songwriter.

Even if it doesn’t always feel that way.

What I’m sure about is
Don’t put me in the ground.
‘Cause I don’t wanna rot with the worms.
Let’s go out,
For one more last sunset
And don’t say lies just put me in word.

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:: stream/purchase Sure here ::
:: connect with Megan Winsor here ::
Stream: “Sure” – Megan Winsor

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Sure - Megan Winsor

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? © Lauren Nieves

:: Stream Megan Winsor ::

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