Will Joseph Cook Shines in Most Playful & Spunky Album to Date, ‘Every Single Thing’

Every Single Thing - Will Joseph Cook
Every Single Thing - Will Joseph Cook
Will Joseph Cook has returned with his third album, ‘Every Single Thing’, drawing listeners into listless daydreams and dizzying infatuation.
Stream: ‘Every Single Thing’ – Will Joseph Cook

Turning deep-felt emotions into catchy pop hooks is what makes a definitive Will Joseph Cook standard. Playful, experimental and upbeat – Cook has now released his third album to date. Every Single Thing speaks to joy and melancholy, bringing them as quirky pop ballads that instantly capture audiences with a dizzying infatuation. Where fans can expect more of Cook’s characteristic catchy tunes, his latest LP also gives the ultimate indie-pop album of the summer.

Every Single Thing - Will Joseph Cook
Every Single Thing – Will Joseph Cook

With production that incites great bravado, Cook’s musical and lyrical experimentation is unyieldingly innovative and expansive. His nonlinear storytelling is backed by quirky arrangements that fuse the best of indie pop but also alternative pop culture. Cook cites Nintendo soundtracks, ’80s discos, and TV jingles as base influences for many of the tracks. With lyricism that consistently holds great relatability, his stories are delivered with an endearing effortlessness that is instantly recognisable. 

The album’s opening track, “Little Miss,” memorably asserts the tone for the rest of the album. The spunky synth hook that dominates the track was seamlessly translated into the song’s lo-fi version – a track released alongside the single earlier this year. Cook revealed that “Little Miss” drew inspiration from the cute, jazz pop beats of Nintendo soundtracks. Undoubtedly innovative and authentic, he demonstrated the great lengths of his range even within the scope of indie pop fusions.

The LP’s following tracks “Kisses” and “Gummy” maintain an accessible lightheartedness, topped off with Cook’s decisive vocal delivery. Lyrics like “Kisses in the dark like stitches in my heart” make these tracks instantly appealing.

Single “Be Around Me” features fellow indie pop up-and-comer chloe moriondo; the dialogue between them hones in on the fitting contrast of their voices, fitting together nicely like puzzle pieces. The album then sees flirty track “BOP” experiment with a story told from another perspective – detailing a young boy’s anxiety about speaking to a girl at a house party. From “Today, It’s Raining,” “We Met On The Internet,” and “Guaranteed,” we see Cook take a spacey-acoustic turn, playing with harmonies and arpeggio riffs that drive these emotive tracks. Emanating idyllic romanticism, Cook pulls it off with the greatest command.

Will Joseph Cook © David Katzinger
Will Joseph Cook © David Katzinger

Cook demonstrates an assured authority in his authenticity at every turn of his artistry.

He is unwavering in his experimentation, unconventional with his lyrics, and diverse in his production. With endearing lyrics that often lean toward the playfully candid, Cook brings all the spunk back to emotions that are otherwise painful, without compromising the essence or weight of either. Drawing on everything from the electronic, pop, and indie music to pop culture, Every Single Thing is an eclectic mix of inspiration Cook finds in every corner. His ability to faithfully turn these sentiments into something fresh and exciting will always be something that is uniquely his.

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:: stream/purchase Every Single Thing here ::

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Every Single Thing - Will Joseph Cook

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