This Just In: The Struts Return with Epic Rock Anthem “One Night Only”

The Struts © Catie Laffoon
The Struts © Catie Laffoon
Recommended If You Like: Journey, Queen, The Rolling Stones

“If entertainment’s what you want, then honey we’re the best,” boasts Luke Spiller in The Struts’ new single, “One Night Only.” Loud, proud, and lavish as always, The Struts are natural-born performers destined to thrive in the spotlight: There’s no doubt that they’re having as much fun making music as we are listening to it. Their first single of 2017, “One Night Only” is a bold, bombastic release that screams, We’re back, baby! And they’re better than ever.

Listen: “One Night Only” – The Struts
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Rock n’ roll is alive and well in The Struts: Formed in Derby, England in 2010, the four-piece of Luke Spiller (lead vocals), Adam Slack (guitar), Jed Elliott (bass) and Gethin Davies (drums) often feel like a throwback to the ’70s, when rock was king and acts like Led Zeppelin, Bowie, Queen, and The Rolling Stones ruled like royalty. Always dressed to the nines, the band delivers a must-see live show full of engaging theatrics and high-octane, guitar-fueled energy. Appealing to the young, the old, and everyone in-between, The Struts promise to always entertain.

Such is the premise of the band’s brand-new single: “One Night Only” is a heartfelt ode to an audience, from a band whose journey has been “nothing short of unique,” to quote Spiller. Re-releasing their 2014 debut album Everybody Wants in 2016 brought The Struts over to the States, and the response has been nothing short of extraordinary. It seems only fitting that the group would return with a song as big as this: From its stage-loving sentiment to the flavorful mix of catchy hooks and fiery guitar solos, “One Night Only” promises to pack the wildest punch possible.

Success Smells Like... A Conversation with The Struts

by Mitch Mosk
One Night Only - The Struts single art
One Night Only – The Struts

“This song is mainly about the relationship between a performer and his/her audience,” explains Luke Spiller. “After touring throughout the United States, we’ve developed a strong relationship with our audience and started to feel more responsibility to them-mainly to give a great show every night. The song has many theatrical moments, making the arrangement one of the most ambitious songs we’ve done. It’s definitely over the top and larger than life, but after experiencing our audience and how they react to our music, I think it’s even more fitting.”

A dynamic invitation to get up, dance, and sing your heart out, “One Night Only” finds The Struts perfecting what they do best: Delivering an unforgettable performance full of passion and thrills. The single also heralds a fresh batch of tour dates: The Struts will be opening for the Foo Fighters on their North American tour this fall, a fitting placement that will surely introduce thousands of new fans to their artistry.

The Struts are back, and damn if they can’t make one hell of an entrance! Listen to “One Night Only” now, and dig deeper into their one-of-a-kind, lightning in a bottle artistry through our interview (above) and our feature (below)!

:: stream/purchase “One Night Only” here ::

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One Night Only - The Struts single art

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photo © Catie Laffoon

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:: Listen to The Struts ::

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