Premiere: Finding Our Place with Stolen Jars’ Dazzling “Ghost Towns”

Stolen Jars © Tonje Thilesen
Stolen Jars © Tonje Thilesen
A sweet, lilting tapestry of sound, Stolen Jars’ song “Ghost Towns” dazzles through stirring indie folk and poignant personal imagery.
Stream: “Ghost Towns” – Stolen Jars
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Stolen Jars’ latest single is a resounding homage to our evergreen search for understanding, purpose, and place: A sweet, lilting tapestry of sound, “Ghost Towns” dazzles through stirring indie folk and poignant personal imagery.

A Reminder - Stolen Jars
A Reminder – Stolen Jars
Oh back when I was young
I wasted all night waiting
on the sense that I’d fit in
but now that I’ve found myself
I’ll leave those ghosts aside
and make some time to build
a life without the one I left behind.

Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering “Ghost Towns,” the second single off Stolen Jars’ third album A Reminder, out October 11, 2019 via AntiFragile Music. The New Jersey-founded, Brooklyn-based indie folk “recording project” of guitarist and vocalist Cody Fitzgerald, vocalist Sarah Coffey, guitarist Peter Enriquez, keyboardist Grant Meyer, and drummer Matt Marsico (and more!), Stolen Jars have been a bright spark of sonic warmth in the East Coast music scene for the past five years and running.

Featuring Sarah Coffey’s tender vocals, “Ghost Towns” delivers an intimate reflection on growth through childhood and teens toward young adulthood, when we finally begin to settle into rhythms and (hopefully) come to understand a bit about our mission in this chaotic world.

The band note how Coffey observes “feeling adrift as a teen and then finally finding herself, who she is, and the community she feels at home in.”

“This is a story about a parent who never supported or understood you,” Stolen Jars’ Cody Fitzgerald explains. “It’s about allowing yourself to move on from the loss of what could have been one of the most important relationships of your life, and giving yourself permission to be proud of the person you have become, even if the person who raised you never will be.”

Stolen Jars © Tonje Thilesen
Stolen Jars © Tonje Thilesen

Despite the poignant setting from which “Ghost Towns” arose, the song itself radiates light through the combined brilliance of Coffey’s background and foreground vocals, guitar trills, and dynamic drum fills that find the band engaged even in the spaces in-between. Stopping halfway through for a quick reprieve, the song creates a space for listeners to reflect on their own lives as well; we can take a moment to think about our own place in this world, the people we once were, and the folks we have now become.

A self-reflective song of growth, change, confidence and ownership, “Ghost Towns” is an utter delight to the senses and an exciting preview of what’s to come from this incredibly talented act. Stolen Jars’ third album A Reminder is out October 11, 2019 via AntiFragile Music. For now, stream “Ghost Towns” exclusively on Atwood Magazine, and see below for Stolen Jars’ tour dates throughout September and October!

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Stream: “Ghost Towns” – Stolen Jars
[soundcloud url=”” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&visual=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

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A Reminder - Stolen Jars

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? © Tonje Thilesen

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:: Stolen Jars Tour Dates ::

05 – Philadelphia, PA – Boot and Saddle
06 – Brooklyn, NY – Brooklyn Bazaar
07 – Boston, MA – The Farm
09 – Rochester, NY – Bug Jar
10 – Cleveland, OH – Mahall’s Locker Room
11 – Chicago, IL – Subterranean (Downstairs)
12 – Madison, WI – Communication
12 – Milwaukee, WI – Between Two Galleries
14 – Kansas City, MO – The Rino
15 – Denver, CO – Lion’s Lair
17 – Salt Lake City, UT – The Underground
19 – Spokane, WA – The Basement at Lucky You Lounge
20 – Seattle, WA – Belltown Yacht Club
21 – Portland, OR – No Fun
25 – Oakland, CA – Beauty Supply
26 – Los Angeles, CA – The Satellite
28 – San Diego, CA – Che Cafe
30 – Phoenix, AZ – The Trunk Space
01 – El Paso, TX – Love Buzz
03 – San Antonio, TX – Paper Tiger
05 – Dallas, TX – The Foundry
07 – Nashville, TN – The East Room
08 – Athens, GA – The Caledonia Lounge
09 – Chapel Hill, NC – Local 506
10 – Richmond, VA – The Camel
11 – Washington, DC – Comet Ping Pong
tix & more info @

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