Premiere: The Sensational, Unsettling Power of TATRAN’s Epic “Eyes”

TATRAN "Eyes" still
TATRAN "Eyes" still

We should all feel comfortable experiencing discomfort. A society that basks only in the familiar is stagnated – in decline. TATRAN’s new song and video “Eyes” is a magnificent work of art, an aural and visual masterpiece that pushes us to think beyond the tangible world we know, and embrace the new.

Are you ready to move forward?

Watch: “Eyes” – TATRAN

Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering “Eyes,” the astounding new single and video from TATRAN’s upcoming sophomore studio album, No Sides (out June 2, 2017). “Eyes” is a perfect introduction to the Tel Aviv-based instrumental trio’s grandiose, genre-defying musical tapestry: Its epic builds and expansive instrumentals invite us into a hypnotizing, brave new world full of unfamiliar, yet comforting experimental music.

No Sides - TATRAN
No Sides – TATRAN

Considered by many as a phenomenon, TATRAN consists of bassist Offir Benjaminov, guitarist Tamuz Dekel, and drummer Dan Mayo. Their relatively minimalist setup is a testament to their vast musical creativity; the way in which they wield their instruments is so unlike anything and everything else in today’s often homogenous landscape. The band’s influences range from modern jazz to post-rock, classical to avant-garde, experimental to electronic; one can sense the seedlings of those many, diverse elements in “Eyes,” but TATRAN’s ability to create unique textures means that no one word, genre or label can define them.

Instead, let us focus on the emotions of this instrumental masterpiece. “Eyes” ought once to be ingested as a whole, with no prior knowledge. The beautiful Daniella Meroz and Eden Kalif-directed music video exists as a visual counterpart to the music: The work takes place in an ancient bell cave in Israel. Strange figures appear in each frame; they are earthly, yet seemingly extra-terrestrial. Unique and eye-catching abstractions fill our sight with mesmerizing images.

What does it all mean?

TATRAN - "Eyes"

TATRAN - "Eyes"
TATRAN – “Eyes”

The genius of instrumental music is its fluidity: “Eyes” can have any number of interpretations, each no more or less true than the last. On the second listen, the song starts to unveil itself. There is a gravity about “Eyes” – a definite storyline that starts out of focus. We feel tension in abrasive drum claps and off-kilter guitar noise. It feels like the first seconds of the morning, when you wake up without knowing who you are, where you are, or why you’re there. As “Eyes” progresses, we regain our center of gravity, and slowly begin to put the scattered puzzle pieces together.

Slowly is the keyword here. The semblance of structure and identity is a mirage, a vessel TATRAN use to manipulate our perception. Tension continues to persist throughout “Eyes,” but an increase in melodic elements adds new flavors and deeper emotions: “Eyes” often feels as though it could completely fall apart at any moment, but it doesnt; it holds fast to the very end, when control takes over.

Or is it chaos that takes control?

TATRAN "Eyes" still

TATRAN "Eyes" still

“Eyes” is as discordant as it is harmonious, and TATRAN’s ability to flourish within the juxtaposition of those two worlds is absolutely awe-inspiring. “Eyes” demonstrates the Israeli trio’s unparalleled experimental brilliance: “Eyes” is seven minutes of incredible, intoxicating stimulus that throws us out of our comfort zones, and into the next dimension.

Connect with TATRAN below, and stay tuned for No Sides, out June 2, 2017.

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“Eyes” – TATRAN

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