Premiere: Foxanne Honor a Life with One Last Round of “Applause”

Foxanne © David Ross Lawn
Foxanne © David Ross Lawn
Foxanne celebrate a life in their intimate new song “Applause,” bidding farewell to a loved one with one last happy and sad round.
Stream: “Applause” – Foxanne
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We all love you, we all do.

There’s something to be said for the collective power of clapping – afor an entertainer, there is no better way to go out. Foxanne celebrate a life in their intimate new song “Applause,” bidding farewell to a loved one with one last happy and sad round.

Applause - Foxanne
Applause – Foxanne
We stole off in Maryland
Ran through farm trails, we ran
Bluest midnight, sharpest words
We breathed, we laughed, it hurt
And we’ll breathe, we’ll laugh, this hurts

What a way to say goodbye: Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering “Applause,” Foxanne’s moving first single of 2019. An independent Brooklyn-based band and artistry, Foxanne finds lead singer and guitarist Foxanne combining her musical and songwriting talents with percussionist Andrew Funcheon (and, from time to time, synth player Mike Harris) to depict the reality of life as it happens – without all the glitz, glamour, and evergreen positivity we tend to experience through social media and so on.

Opening with the bittersweet refrain, “We all love you – we all do,” Foxanne immediately introduce “Applause” with a sense of collective ceremony: That idea that folks have gathered together to focus their energies on one person and their memory. “We do, we do, we do…” Foxanne croons, her voice hanging heavy with the weight of its somber message.

“Applause” is an ode to a friend gone too soon.

Foxanne © David Ross Lawn
Foxanne © David Ross Lawn

Foxanne’s “Applause” captures a quite literal moment in the artist’s life, but the track’s meaning and message beautifully transcend that experience — resonating with all those who have lost a loved one, no matter the cause or circumstance.

“‘Applause” is an ode to a friend gone too soon,” the artist tells Atwood Magazine. “A friend of mine, who I used to volunteer with, passed away too young, lost to an overdose. And, seeing as he was a performer (an incredible, straight-jacket wearing, unicycle riding, juggling circus performer), at his funeral we all gave him ‘one last round of applause.’ I wanted to keep that going. He might not be able to perform anymore, but at every show where I play this song, he gets another round of applause. I also wanted this song to be something I wish I’d shared with him while I could – that even though he was struggling, we all love him no matter what. It’s a little heavy, but now it makes me smile because he really did love a cheering audience.”

Few things in life transcend the magical connection a performer can feel with their audience. Dwelling on the instrumental spaces in-between, “Applause” soaks in an emotional valley of love and pain. Foxanne reach their peak in a raucous crescendo of overwhelming energy that, despite its quick dissipation, leaves a mark for all who hear its cry:

Let’s give him one last round of applause
For you, for all that you’ve done
And let’s give him one last round of applause
For you, for you, for you!
Foxanne © David Ross Lawn
Foxanne © David Ross Lawn

Following 2018’s debut EP halfling and subsequent year-end single “So Excited,” Foxanne’s 2019 return introduces a change in tonality and perspective: “With the upcoming record, my sound has evolved as I have evolved,” the artist explains. “I’m more comfortable taking musical risks, showing my dynamic range, and all-around being more myself. With each new release I feel like the music is more me, and I’m able to convey my ideas more intentionally. I hope that people hear the new record and feel something. That’s all I’ve ever hoped for. The songs might mean something different to them than they mean to me; I just hope that the listeners really feel something. If I can do that, then I’ll be a happy musician.”

Music is, for so many, in the ears of the beholder, and “Applause” is certainly music to behold. Resonating with a Sharon Van Etten-meets-Julien Baker indie folk charm, the track poignantly celebrates, commemorates, and memorializes. It’s a fitting tribute to a loved one, perfect for moments of self-imposed isolation and introspection.

“Applause” opens and shuts with the same solemn reminder, reinforcing the connection a single life can have on those around them and serving as a true testament to the value each and every single one of us brings into this world: We all love you. We all do.

Stream “Applause” exclusively on Atwood Magazine nd remember to tell your loved ones how special they really are – even if they’ve heard it already. Love can never be shared enough.

Stream: “Applause” – Foxanne
[soundcloud url=”” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&visual=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

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Applause - Foxanne

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? © David Ross Lawn

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