Los Angeles singer/songwriter Kerry Hart dives into the deep end with her new single “Screaming Quietly,” a raw, poignant reflection on the tremendous hurt, pain, and evils in our big and beautiful world.
Stream: “Screaming Quietly” – Kerry Hart
How can we live with joy when we know others have none? How can we laugh and love, when illness and poor fates befall innocent, unassuming everyday folk like us? How do we live with ourselves while living with the knowledge that bad things happen to good people?
And yet, we do. We manage to find joy; we laugh and we love, we celebrate special moments and immerse ourselves, as best we can, in that which we enjoy. To be happy is not a selfish act; merely, it is one-half of a tremendous balance each of us must undertake on a daily basis. Los Angeles singer/songwriter Kerry Hart dives into the deep end with her new single “Screaming Quietly,” a raw, poignant reflection on the tremendous hurt, pain, and evils in our big and beautiful world.

We doom this hallowed ground
I hear her speak
She’s singing, Joy’s the ocean
Lord, let me find my feet
Their pain is loud
Their pain is loud
But so is love
Step out into the light
The stars shine brilliant bright
For all to see
I’ll float here on your sea
But I’m screaming quietly
Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering “Screaming Quietly,” Kerry Hart’s first musical release of 2020. Describing herself as “embarking on a global mission to bring great music and great people together,” Hart spent over a decade working in philanthropy and startups before embarking on music. “For years I tried to talk myself out of making music,” she shares in her bio. “It seemed like a really big ordeal to go through just because I love songs and singing. But finally it became clear that if I didn’t make this journey, and say all these things burning to be said, that part of me would die — and take with it parts of myself that I rely on to be a good human to the people that I love.”
Since debuting with a series of heartwarming songs in 2019, Hart has quickly earned an audience for her earnest performances and direct, yet colorful language. As her overall fifth song release, “Screaming Quietly” showcases her in a space of complete and utter honesty. Supported by a quiet electric guitar that eventually evolves into a full background of warm harmony, Hart sings her heart out – turning her full self toward those afflicted by pain of all kinds, in mind, body, and spirit.

“Screaming Quietly is a mantra in the truest definition, a mystical formula of invocation,” Hart tells Atwood Magazine. “The song is a direct communication between my heart and the Love that has woven this world into being, a transcription of my spirit’s conversation with the Creator. To live in this world, eyes open, heart open, one has to reconcile the truth that there is deep suffering, injustice, and utter darkness inflicted on innocent beings, with tremendous regularity. Simultaneously there is absolute generosity, true altruism, bravery, courage, and resolve to alter for the better the circumstances of others in need, against all odds. These things truly do not reconcile comfortably. It often feels as though humanity has been crafted to strike some delicate balance of darkness and light. My sensitive constitution sees and experiences this as true, yet my hopeful warrior spirit longs for love and goodness to triumph, in the end, and admittedly, though it may be the ego’s errand, to align myself with the victory of this beauty.”
Hart continues. “There is no balm for the discomfort of this paradox. There is no salve for disparity of opportunity, education, nutrition, safety and freedom from oppression or from harm enjoyed by some, at times utterly unreachable for others. Fortunes may shift, miracles occur. But I personally cannot reach all beings in the most vulnerable hour of their need, and the truth of my heart, and of my faith and awareness, is that I wish I could. I wish I could intervene in every situation where Love felt dimmed in the hearts of people as they played out their expressions of power in a damaging way on another soul, or on the Earth herself. I wish I could play the part of a cosmic love Superhero, calling in our better angels to elevate our wisdom, awaken us from slumber and build a world for all to inhabit that we can be proud of having created. It was a divine gift when this song prayer came, I needed it and I am healed when I share it. As I walk in joy and sing from utter freedom, I do not forget the brothers and sisters, and our delicate ecosystems who have no such fortuity. I sing this song and carry it all in my heart, always, and pray my good intent bound into the words and the notes can somehow be a light in the darkness.”
Sometimes its lonely here
Sometimes I kneel and weep, blessings
So much I’m giving over to you
So much I get to keep
Cause what is love?
Step out into the light
The stars shine brilliant bright
For all to see
I’ll float here on your sea
But I’m screaming quietly
Hart’s urgency and sincerity ripples through her words, just as it does in her music. She is raw and real in every moment of this song, never once covering up her truth with a shiny veneer. “Screaming Quietly” will not be the easiest song to digest, but it will be a meaningful one for those who want it, and those who need to hear it. Stream the new single exclusively on Atwood Magazine.
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Stream: “Screaming Quietly” – Kerry Hart
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