Today’s Song: Al-Doms Wants to Run His Numbers Up on “Slang!”

Al-Doms © 2021
Virginia rapper Al-Doms envisions self-fulfillment through sacrifice on his knocking new single, “Slang!”
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Listen: “Slang!” – Al Doms

Working some mundane 9-5 is usually not the most ideal situation. In most cases, these 8-hour routines are pesky roadblocks to our true and, most importantly, desired destiny in life. Virginia artist Al-Doms fully understands this capitalistic reality on his new single “Slang!” “Work that 9-5, can’t let shit make me a slave” he explicitly states in the track’s chorus.

Slang! – Al-Doms

Even in the worst of odds, the wide-eyed spitter finds opportunity. He raps about exceeding expectations through his own artistic vision, and how other people who are close to him want to find their own fulfillment. “Slang is about wanting more out of your situation and sacrificing what you feel you need to sacrifice to run your numbers up,” Al-Doms said when describing the meaning behind the song.

Part of breaking free from this perpetual mundanity involves meticulously planning for the future. On “Slang!,” Al-Doms searches for his own gratification, but also acknowledges the struggle others in his circle face. His pinpoint songwriting humanizes himself and others, showing ally-ship through mutual understanding of each other’s circumstances.

My bro keep white in the hood like Kenny McCormick
He sick of livin’ dormant, his kids dreams enormous
Before you get to the “Hill-in the cut” Neosporin
Gotta appreciate the scar that was formin’

Underneath Al-Doms’ personal meditations lies the overarching theme of systemic racism, where dormancy and generational trauma is the direct result of law enforcement’s animosity toward Black and Brown people in this country. The Virginia native alludes to these themes in the second verse specifically, simultaneously uncovering the country’s mishaps while explaining a monumental plan towards glory, where he’s whipping a Ferrari while having an intimate moment with a girl. He’s a sharp writer in that regard, always finding hope in situations where darkness appears imminent.

Al-Doms © 2021

See I got bigger plans than penitentiary chances
Given circumstance, where most young niggas get plugged
into the system like controller panels
Moving grams like nursing homes our only scandal

Songwriting aside, Al-Doms’ voice, which combines Kendrick’s raspy cadence with Chris Crack’s animated delivery, reflects the exact same passion as the lyrics do. His flow straddles between dramatic and nonchalant, allowing listeners to witness the hunger that drives his confidence in himself and others.

The Virginia native grew up listening to soul, funk, hip hop, and R&B. “Slang!” features a combination of these styles, from the beat’s knocking drums and ethereal keys to Al-Doms’ ability to intertwine pointed raps with occasional melodic inflections. By combining these different aesthetics, Al-Doms elevates his message and emotion. He ultimately comes to the conclusion that, oftentimes, chasing your dreams through sacrifice can be the bravest thing one does in life.

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Listen: “Slang!” – Al Doms

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