EP Premiere: Ekurtis’ ‘Part II’ Reaches Bittersweet Resolve

Ekurtis © 2017
Ekurtis © 2017
Pulsing with dark synths and moving beats, Ekurtis’ Part II EP is evocative and full of feeling, an art pop piece heralding the end of conflict, love & war.

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When we last heard from NYC’s Ekurtis, love and war were butting heads. The ballet dancer-turned-recording artist introduced himself through his debut EP, Part I, a dramatic electronic art pop piece that introduces conflict and uncertainty, panic and foreboding without a clear conclusion.

Part 2 - Ekurtis
Part 2 – Ekurtis

Five months later, Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering Part II, the second and final chapter in Ekurtis’ non-linear saga about a soldier and an undercover agent. Pulsing with dark synths and moving beats, the record is evocative and full of feeling. Three haunting tracks herald the end of conflict and war, offering a provocative platform from which the artist ponders the efficacy of our actions and the value of our impulses.

We’re forced to confront the possibility that violence and loss are meaningless; that resolution does not equal solution. It’s a simple concept, but it takes its time settling in as Ekurtis’ characters end face their fates.

Ekurtis © 2017
Ekurtis © 2017

An obvious advancement from Part I, Part II is a shining accomplishment for Ekurtis / Eric Larson, who excels at evoking darker, melancholic feelings. He lured us in with tragedy on his debut, but he truly seals the deal here with heart and woe.

As the synths swell and electronic drum kits pulse, Ekurtis once again reminds us that we will soldier on through thick and thin. Listen tois his full record through Atwood Magazine’s exclusive stream, and peek inside Part II with Atwood Magazine as Ekurtis provides his personal take on each of the EP’s new songs below!

Listen: “Part II EP” – Ekurtis
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/335392872?secret_token=s-pHuuB” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”350″ iframe=”true” /]

:: Inside Part II ::

Part 2 - Ekurtis

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Boom Da Boom

“Boom Da Boom” is the after party of their affair. They question the validity of what they’ve been through.

Might’ve Been Ghosts

“Might’ve Been Ghosts” is an off shoot of the main story dealing with a couple of sailors who’ve done something they’re doubting the importance of.

The Living

“The Living” is all that remains of the ones who fought the war. As the sun rises, they recognize that everything they’ve done will be forgotten.

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Part 2 - Ekurtis

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:: Listen to Ekurtis ::

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/users/274385836″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

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